Light Pools In

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Doors are closing mid-Spring
outside it is balmy and less pink

Summer lasts year 'round, I recall
my cold and rainy days in Canada

People bind their souls to statues
of promise as light pools between buildings

To sleep to an empty dream of a house
with some acreage, less concrete

More requirement, more freedom
lillies on the lilt of lips of pretty lies

I risked it all for a seventeen hour
drive and a dual citizenship.

You know my Mama said she'll
put the fear of God in me if I leave with you

So I left. What weapon could I have
against her? My magnum broken

across the kitchen linoleum.
What war was I in, exactly, what would I win?

But God or War aren't what I'm afraid of—
the sword of abandonment from you scared me.

Now poppies dance in the warmth of early
summer, our estate manager says

they can take care of it, let them,
relief runs in unexplored miles

before the storm holds ominously
above I ask of you my dearly beloved —

Well, what are you waiting for?

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