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4th of July venting

'Tried' is a terrible way to put it
I merely thought of it for a vanishing second
You know I'm a loyal girl...
being my Master, dressing me in your elegance
Everything tidy and clean
just sometimes my mind wanders, I become
assertive, I think I want to look—

My thoughts wander,
a superhero who never named her signature
replaced them with simple grunts
yet shatters the earth with her forceful power
My past echoes, parents question
You sense my latent desires
extract them from me and toss them away
unless you want me to look around

Sometimes I'm full of shit
like the ruinous rain in July
the luminous, lying penchant of love
and its blinding promises of benefits
see the fireworks are great but I hate
how you talk during their flashing bloom
a crackle from great fire, I think at times
perhaps maybe I could borrow someone else
to have at my side

I smile anyways, the fiery gaze makes me wince
until its attention lessens
how come everything fades when it becomes
permanent? I let down my revolver
on the kitchen counter
the peplum of sparks outside my window—
I could barely make her shape
nor could I suppress my desire
for the pareidolia of another beautiful face
around me.

I'm still your girl, your sissy, your slave
I'm sorry I said anything.

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