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A flash - a pang - a pain
the shock intertwining with

--No ordinary rain for sure

She tramples the dirt
in her protective suit
her ire gets the best of you
that's for sure but you'll not
let her get to you

--some of it escapes in a paroxysm

Especially when you're alone
There's something in the puddles
ha, hardly noticed it was beginning
to flood again for the third
time your way to work this week

--small details like this escape me

It's her quivering lip
her decisive gaze, her guiding hand
the way she named your child
you did not to choose to have
for she chose everything

--damn I tripped over something

A hoof. There is a melting corpse
of a horse inside the murky puddles
its eyes in its last light of life
gazing wildly in fear and confusion
WHY ME, it would nay in anguish

--more bodies start floating in the river; escape

to high ground. The apartment
is hardly a room and a more a war zone
Not enough to withstand the searing rain
for nothing is like what it seems
in your mind.

Questions blaze in your mind
How can I care for this baby I love so deep now
When she's around to destroy the child and me?
I take any opportunity I can from work
to destroy others like her - what makes her different?

--draw the gun from under the bed

The burning rain is coming up the stairs
now and so is she
and despite all her powers over
the boiling rain - the melting bodies outside
and the drowning town like a boiling vat with frogs in them

--All it took was a single shot to take the witch down.

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