One Armed God

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a/n: Sure. Let's try and go full C'thulu.

Behold! A great storm.
The sky is alive, liquid
and swirling with spinal fluid
the synovial of reality tearing up
as the thunder roars!
Eyes of all shapes and sized
replace the clouds, beaming down
upon the earth with lightning tears.
Buildings uproot by
large pale and fleshy tendrils,
As'Zhaan sends his blessing
the birth of a One Armed God
watch the small coastal town
transform into his image.
Not long before the heretical Shrrrrgrl
mist shows its face to conquer
As'Zhaan's evil.

The mortals
are stuck within the cult's summonings,
some stuck in walls, some with
heads not quite where they should be
and billowing with smoke
from their eye sockets,
the outside cannot see past the mist.
A child's spine found fourteen meters
suspended in thin air, broadcasting
radio stations from the 1950s,
the same child's phantasm
running from something in
place beneath its spine
before vanishing.

The mayor who used to march
now hides in a shack etched with wards.
He says, "I've seen the end
through a misty veil,
a war torn hole in the side
of my house - hiding from
one of those big guys roaming
the streets eating ghosts
of people trapped by the Shrrgeroth."

I do not know how I heard him.
A tentacle crashed through
my window, each night it gave me food
but I hated the texture - hated
how it squirmed in the flat of my hand.
I hear the voices of the cult leader
his body a husk with holes in it
and monstrous, I have to run now.
As'Zhaan will burn those heretics
wring their insides out and hang them
on traffic lights, muststopthesevoices.
I do so by plucking my teeth out,
I do not need them. A thing rests
outside a gas station where I am running,
a worm of sorts.

I approached the creature, a bell
shaped worm with jaws and sharp teeth.
It told me to lend me its arm,
unhinging its entire mouth to swallow
it whole. I granted it my arm,
of course, how could I be silly enough
not to? It ate my arm, the crunch and the bone
all the way up to my shoulderblade
and became apart of me.

With the worm as my new arm
I shaped the Universe,
and the storms of yesterday
pass into the afterlife
I am the God with One Arm
the true Worm that which makes
new sense, all others have perished
inside the mist, Shrrgeroth 
keeps the mortals safe from me
for now.

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