022: Shared Ego

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"I think you and your best friend may share the same ego problem

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"I think you and your best friend may share the same ego problem."


Chapter Twenty-Two

"He was one of those people that just made you feel special. Because they seemed so special that you would think some of it would rub off onto you through contact you know? And let me say, I am pretty special myself so for me to get like this over someone else must show you how magical he seemed." Taehyung began. Every now and then his words would slow down as if he was thinking of the perfect way to describe this boy who broke his heart.

He found it so irritating how he still felt such warm feelings towards him despite everything that had happened. It made him mad to know that the feelings couldn't just end the way they seemed to have for his ex.

"It was strange too, I don't mean to sound arrogant but i'm obviously used to being the center of people's attention. School when I was young was a hard time so I worked really hard to become that person everyone wanted to be around. It doesn't come effortlessly to me as some may think. I worked at it. But when I got with him things changed, I thought for a while it would be good to have a change but i have to admit it was hard. It was like two stars trying to share the spotlight."

"Except neither of us were the best at sharing you see."

Indie listened carefully, she was honestly interested. It was strange for her to think there was someone out there who could possibly outside Taehyung. Taehyung was just.. The embodiment of everything good and happy. His eyes shined in a comforting and exciting way that both settled and elevated your heart rate at the same time. She doubted very much that there was a person out there more special than him.

"I know you are a bit distant to the whole relationship thing but im not. I've dated a good deal and i've learned that the ability to get lucky and the ability to have luck with guys is very different. Sex is easy but relationships are... long term and scary. Sex is one night, your done and don't ever have to see them again if you don't want to. A relationship, you are choosing to commit to someone for time. The entire time i kept failing at relationships all i could remind myself to keep me from completely hating life was at least i wasn't as bad ad Jungkook." Taehyung jokes, both of them glancing up at the boy who at this point had given up trying to get the sleeping Jimin off of him and fell asleep himself.

Jimin's hair touching Jungkook's cheek as the two snoozed off together into dreamland. It was a cute sight and for a moment Indie could look at him and not find him completely irritating. It was nice.

"I'll set up and retell the joke when he wakes up. "Taehyung informed before quickly going back to his story.

"He was my longest relationship and based upon my horrible track record my happiest as well. We did everything together to the point where we had to start bringing Jungkook along because he was starting to feel left out. He needs attention or he gets crabby."

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