29. Daddy Issuses

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Kellin's p.o.v:

I spent a few hours at Vic's house just talking and joking around with the rest of the group as they tried to cheer me up. They did a good job, but unfortunately I had to go home before my dad finds out I'm gone.

Of course they didn't want me to go, hell I didn't even want me to go, but we all knew this night had to come to an end.

Vic drove me home and stayed until I safely crawled back into my room. He wanted to make sure I wouldn't slip again, which I didn't for your information.

I wave goodbye to him through my window and watch as he gets in his car and drives off.

Sighing I move to sit on my bed, but I quickly stop myself mid way through as I notice a note on my bed. curious I pick it up and read it.

Kellin, I've had some time to think about what you said and I think we need to talk, so when you get home from Vic's (yes I know you're at Vic's I could see his car in the backyard the whole time, I also saw you fall by the way.) I would like you to come downstairs and meet me at the kitchen table.


My stomach turns as I read the letter. On one hand he knows I went to Vic's house and didn't come after me or order me to come home, but at the same time he used the words "we need to talk" and it is a known fact that those words never mean anything good.

Taking a deep breath I will myself to go downstairs and meet the man that I had a huge argument with earlier.

Rounding a corner I see him, sitting at the dinner table waiting for me, his back turned away from me.

My brain shouts at me to go back up to my room and ignore all of this, but the tiniest voice in my head tells me that I need to stop running away from my problems and that I'm a big boy and I need to start acting like it.

Whether I like it or not, I know that voice is right, so I gain all the courage I possibly can at this moment and march into the dining area.

I take a seat straight across from my dad, my face blank as I hold back so many emotions begging to be let out.

"Oh good you're finally here" he smiles. I don't return it though.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask coldly, little to no emotion in my voice.

"Oh okay, we're just diving in right away. That's fine I suppose." He chuckles nervously. I've never seen my dad like this before, which just worries me more than before. I try my best not to show it on my face though, my dad always takes advantage of me when I'm emotional, it's when I'm at my weakest and he knows that.

"Just cut the crap dad. Just tell me what's going on, no tip toeing or sugar coating... Please, just tell me." I plead, exhaustion clear in my voice.

His eyes move off of me and down at the table after that, and as he licks his lips nervously I can tell he's scared to tell me.

"I thought about what you said..." he trails off.

"and?" I ask, a little too quickly might I add.

"And... I can't support it." He answers in a serious voice.

Just like that my heart dropped. You know, I knew that was going to be his answer, but part of me hoped that it would magically change and we could be a happy family again. But those few simple words crushed what little hope there was to salvage our relationship.

"I see." I reply in a quiet voice.

"I see? that's all?"

"What do you want me to say dad? You made your decision and I made mine, and mines not going to change no matter if you're okay with it or not. I'm not going to sit here and waste my breath on someone who's not going to listen to me."

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