Chapter Twenty-Three ♡

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~ a few hours later ~

Alex's POV

I decided to go check on John. It probably shouldn't have been me, but I felt obligated to. I felt like sh*t. I really did need to keep quiet more often.

Hesitantly, I opened the door to John and I's apartment. Nothing was out of place.

I closed the door behind me, walking farther in. "John..?" No response.

I walked down the small corridor towards our bedrooms (we had separate rooms but usually just shared one at night), finding the door to his room slightly ajar.

Glancing inside, John was sat on the edge of the bed, head in his hands. I noticed his desk chair was knocked over and there were a few books strewn across the room.

I was reluctant, but pushed the door open anyways. "John?"

My boyfriend lifted his head after a moment, and I expected anger or something negative towards me, but all I saw were his lost hazel eyes and faint tear tracks. "H-Hey, Alex..."

"How are you doing?" I asked gently, stepping into the room.

"Like complete sh*t..." John muttered. "I-I can't stay mad at you... I'm sorry..."

Sitting next to him, I placed my hand on his back. "It's not your fault, love. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I should've shut up for one second like you said. You have all the rights to be pissed at me." I laughed quietly.

There was a faint smile on John's face, but it quickly vanished. Then he caught me by surprise.

"I-I'm scared, Alex... What if she dies?"

"She won't die, John. She's stubborn; very, very stubborn. It makes her a good fighter. She'll pull through."

I paused a moment, but wrapped my arms around John. There was a sense of relief when he hugged me back, head resting on my shoulder as he blinked back tears.

I was at a bit of a loss. Pulling the "it's gonna be okay" card wouldn't work, because not only had John already called out that sh*t, we really didn't know at all, like he had also said. So we just stayed in a silent hug.

Laf's POV

Upon getting to Alex and John's apartment, we found the main room empty, but John's door open down the hall. We didn't have to go that far down to see a knocked over chair and some scattered books, nor to see both men in each other's arms.

We still walked down the hall, and I was about to go in, but Herc grabbing my hand stopped me.

"Let's just leave them alone, sweetheart. They probably need the space."

So I followed Herc back down the hall, where we sat on the sofa.

"Merde... why 'ave things gotten so complicated?" I muttered after a moment.

"I don't know, Laf. I'm sure she'll be fine eventually. We only just have to hope we don't get that phone call."


Herc and Alex had both gone off to work, and after some hesitation at first, John and I decided to see how (Y/N) was doing. That was if they'd even let us see her.

When we had got there, there was a sense of relief when we were told we could see her, even though.. she still hadn't woke up.

John opened the door, and his grip tightened on the doorknob as his eyes looked into the room. I looked past John, seeing (Y/N).

Her skin was paler, and there was an IV attached to her arm where some bruises and scratches were scattered. There was a breathing tube through her nose, and I noticed from the monitor her heart rate was slower than normal.

I looked back at John, who had looked down to the ground, completely lost. I couldn't help the tears in my own eyes as I saw our girlfriend laying unconscious and John, one of the emotionally strongest men I knew, looking like he was about to break down.

"This isn't fair..." he whispered. "She doesn't deserve this. She should be at home with us, not about on the verge of dying..."

I simply rested my hand on John's back, walking farther into the quiet room.

"I was too slow," John continued quietly, making me look over at him. Rather than looking at me, he kept looking at (Y/N). "I didn't snap out of it fast enough. I could've caught her if I did, but I..." he cleared his throat when his voice started breaking, "I-I failed..."

I shook my head. "Non, mon amour. 'erc and I should 'ave reacted sooner too. We didn't even do anything. You didn't fail."

"But what if I did, Laf?" John's counter surprised me a moment.

"John, you didn't--"

"But I did! I told myself I'd protect her! I told (Y/N) I'd protect her! And now look!" John's voice had broke by his last sentence and his hands were in shaking fists.

I wiped my own tears before brushing his away. John made eye contact with me for a few seconds before looking back at (Y/N). "I wanna trade places with her. God, let me trade places with her.."

"We all want to, mon amour. But... this is what's 'appened. We 'ave to get through it together."

I eventually stopped trying to stop my tears when I saw more start falling down John's cheeks, simply pulling him into a hug.

We all wanted to trade places with (Y/N). But we couldn't. We could only hope she woke up, because I didn't know what we'd do if she didn't.

To think it hadn't even been twenty-four hours...

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