Chapter Twenty-Seven ♡

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Herc's POV

"The f*cking nerve of them!" I exclaimed, walking around the main room of Laf and I's apartment, "first John thinks he can have her all to himself, and now Alex is siding with him?! What the hell?!"

"I do not know, mon amour," Laf responded from his seat on the chair, "perhaps the incidents... err, what is it... went to 'is 'ead?"

"Sounds about right," I grumbled.

I looked at Laf. "Y'know, he's always been confident like that. Rather, cocky. Always reckless, thinking he's all awesome! But I didn't think he'd ever consider himself above us! That's just a plain dick move; he thinks just because he's saved her more than once he can throw around 'my'!"

"Oui. 'e used... 'possessive'?"

I nodded. "Yes! He accused me of thinking he's possessive! And frankly, he is! He's clearly clouded by his 'better judgement'!" I used air quotes.

"'erc, I know you're upset," Laf replied after a moment, "and I am too, but perhaps you should calm down for a few minutes before saying something you will regret."

"I'm not regretting sh*t, but fine.."

I sat down on the couch, taking a breath. "This is such bullsh*t..." I muttered.

John's POV

My mind was racing. I was angry, I was upset, I was alone.

Entering Alex and I's apartment, it was empty. It was obviously going to be; I brushed past Alex after Hercules 'called me out'.

I still couldn't believe it. My own boyfriend was accusing me of being possessive, when all I'd ever done was try to protect (Y/N). There was a difference.


After a significant amount of time passed, I left the apartment. I was sure Herc and Laf were no longer there, and Alex, I had zero idea.

Entering the hospital and going to the hall with (Y/N)'s room proved my guess to be right: nobody was there.

I walked into her room, slowly going to the seat next to her arm without the IV. I sat down, taking her hand in mine and lacing our fingers together.

"If only you could see us right now, baby girl... it's ridiculous.." I spoke quietly, "without you awake to help, it's a disaster. You really have an influence on all of us..."

I laughed a bit. "Y'know, chickadee, I've almost called you 'angel' more than once. It's just perfect for you. But now..." I paused, "I'm almost afraid to use it... I'm afraid if I do, you might actually join the angels.."

I carefully brushed a piece of her (H/C) hair back, and almost swore I felt her hand move slightly in mine. But nothing else happened. 'Maybe.. there's more hope than I thought..'

"I have faith in you, angel. You're gonna pull through, and I'll call you 'angel' when you're awake, because that's what you are..

We're gonna need your help, angel. I think you're the only one who can fix all of us again, so if you hear me... we need you. I had told Alex the day you got hit that if you died, I would leave them.. I don't know how true that still is, but if Hercules doesn't calm down and if Lafayette doesn't try to help... what choice do I have?

Alex and I could always go back on our own, but I can't help but think he's the reason you're here... why I'm talkin' without a single response."

I sighed. "I don't know... This is all just a big mess. I miss you. Your smile, your voice, your eyes. I don't know why life chose you for this to happen to.."

After some more time passed, I knew I didn't have much more reason to stay. (Y/N) was unresponsive; I couldn't do anything.

Before I stood up, I lifted her hand, placing a gentle kiss on it. "Keep fightin', chickadee... I love you.."

Alex's POV

I was finally stepping back into the office building. Washington had told - rather, forced - me to take some time off so I wouldn't be 'in over my head'. Today was my first day back in the week.

I didn't see Jefferson or Madison, taking that as a good sign as I went to my office. Madison was pretty okay, actually. It was just Jefferson.

Speaking of, I was walking back to my office after talking to Washington when I saw Jefferson and Madison.

I quickly felt my temper starting to flare seeing Jefferson. 'He's the main reason (Y/N)'s in the hospital...'

'Don't get involved.'

'The angel on my shoulder won't do sh*t today.'


Jefferson looked over, rolling his eyes. "What could you possibly need, Hamilton?"

"For you to go f*ck yourself, honestly! If it weren't for you, (Y/N) wouldn't be in the hospital!"

"If it weren't for me? I wasn't the one who accused her of cheating, thank you very much. I was simply being her friend!" he responded.

"You shouldn't have been even talking to her!"

"Do you expect me to just walk away after bumping into her like a complete f*cker without apologizing? Even I'm not that rude."

Jefferson scoffed after a moment. "Y'know what? I shouldn't be wasting my time with you, Hamilton. At least get it through your thick skull I'm a committed man, and that I'm sorry (Y/N)'s in the hospital. If you won't tell your boyfriends that, I'll do it myself."

"Don't go near them," I hissed.

He simply rolled his eyes again, waving his hand like he was dismissing me. "You don't control me. At least I can say I tried to be sympathetic."

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