Chapter 7

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Looking at myself in the mirror I felt satisfied with the way I was looking.

Olive green t-shirt with a denim jacket, distressed skinny jeans, suede booties, sunglasses and a bracelet on my left hand.

I'm not a much of a makeup person but I am a mascara girl. I love to wear mascara. Just like today, I opted for a nude mascara, white kohl making my hazel eyes look more alive and a nude lipstick. My hair was in a good mood so I just left it open.

"Perfect for fall..." I muttered looking at myself.

After I finished giving myself a flying kiss, I grabbed my sling bag from the bed, kept my wallet, keys and my cell inside.

I went outside my room, closing the door.

Immediately, my cell rang and I purposely banged my head on the door, groaning. I knew who it was and I really don't wanted to talk to her but still I have to.

"Salaam!" I said in a bored tone.

"Well, good morning daughter. How are you?" Mom asked sweetly.

"I was good few minutes before, but now I'll surely have a fever!" I replied rolling my eyes.

"Dear, that's not the way to talk to your mother."

"Oh please...! Don't start early in the morning and come to the point. Why did you call me?" I asked

"To check upon you, darling!" She again used her sweetest tone.


"Okay, fine, Bye." I was about to hang up, when I heared her.

"Laiba, why do you have to live in that conjusted house when you have your own bungalow? And I don't understand why you work? We send you more than enough money every month that can last you a whole year, but still you work in that gross cafe! I mean...Laiba Shaqil isn't suppose to even set her foot over there." After her little speech was over, she took deep breaths.

"You done over there?" I again asked in a bored tone. But before she could say anything, I cut her off, "Now you listen to me loud and clear, my house ain't conjusted. It's small though in size when compared to your bungalow, but at least it doesn't let you feel choked. I can at least breathe and smile. I work to make my own name and not to live on other's name. The money, which you send me will surely make me last for a year, but it won't make me happy. It's up to you whether you want me to see happy or not! Well, the cafe which you say gross is the most beautiful cafe I've ever seen and you know what's gross? Those five star fancy restaurants which charges your more than an entire salary of the month and serves you water mixed in sugar in the name of coffee, while here we serve actual coffee. And Laiba Shaqil is suppose to put her foot everywhere, where she like and not where she is forced to" I grit out to her, breathing heavily.

I could feel my body shaking but I kept on taking deep breaths to calm down myself.

"Now will you excuse me, I have many better things to do rather than chatting with you. Allah hafiz!" With that I cut the call.

Running my hand over my face, I pour myself a glass of water and drank. Shaking all the negative thoughts away, I walked out of my apartment.

Stepping inside the elevator, I pressed the G button and waited for it to take me down. Soon, the elevator made a ding sound and I jumped out of the elevator. I was walking freely when suddenly my cell started to buzz. I put my hand inside my sling bang but there were so many things inside my bag that I literally had to rummage.

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