😘In the other dimension😘

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Chat noir and his team was fighting the reverser . And when the reverser sent chat noir to another dimension !

When chat looked around he saw Paris in a different way than ever before . He saw things that almost looked like they were home but instead the buildings we're upside down and the Eiffel tower was a whole lot different ...

He looked everywhere for ladybug and then he saw something really werid there was a cage in the middle of the park . So he went close to it and saw Ladybug thinking of new ideas to get out of this werid and  uncomfortable cage .

*He ran up and started to speak *
Chat : my lady is that you ?
Ladybug : chat ! I'm here please help me !
Chat : how did you get in there my lady ?
Ladybug : don't worry about that but please just set me free ! Look behind you chat !!
* Chat turned around and saw a different version of him self and her smirks at ladybug and they started to fight some more *

Chat : who are you ?
Chat Blanc: your worst nightmare and your only nightmare !!!
Chat : let ladybug go please?
Chat blanc: no I will never let her go until you tell me why you are here ?

They went back and forth fighting and then chat finally stops and talk to his different version of himself and says he was looking for his lady . And he thought he would never find her but he did so he came to set her free !!

*So after that chat Blanc let ladybug go and told them both that . They need to trust each other and take care of each other for the better .*

Ladybug and cat noir went back to there present time and saved the acuma and put everything back to normal . There team was happy to see ladybug had returned and that cat noir was amazing ❤️!
   They started to talk ...
Queen bee : ladybug *hugs her*
Rena rouge and Caprice : we are so happy to have you back !
Ladybug : thanks guys I appreciate you all for being strong without me !

Ladybug looked around and saw everyone looking at her except for cat noir was sitting by the ledge sighing . Ladybug told the team give her a minute !

*They started talking ladybug and cat noir *
Ladybug : hey kitty something on your mine ?
Cat noir : yes my lady I just think that I almost failed at bringing you home . And I
Ladybug : but you didn't fail I'm here aren't I . *Holds his hand* listen to me kitty I love you and I know I haven't said it much but we are going to be just fine 😊.
Cat noir : really *smiles* but there is something else you should know I know who you are under the mask ?

Ladybug : you do ? *Deeps heavily* I'm not afraid to show you who I am . I'm more afraid of how disappointed you will be at me  because I'm not what you expected ?
Cat noir : that's not it at all you are amazing in every way the mask doesn't determined who you are . Are hearts determine that !!!

*This is a picture of there team*

*This is a picture of there team*

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*The team has a lot of fans *

((I hope you enjoyed this chapter there is more to come ))

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