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I watched them work on Claire then smiled as she looked at me, Lucas next to me and Director Dee coming over.

"She's alright, but we need to find Chris and Piers." I nodded and went into the room, the doctors letting me close to her.

"How are you?" I asked and brushed her hair back.

"I'm in pain, but I'll be fine. Where's my brother and Piers?" Then I sighed and brushed her hair back more.

"We were hoping you could tell us. They weren't in the facility we found you in, but they were taken with you. Wherever they are, I'm hoping we can find them." She shook her head then sighed.

"The last thing I remember is them hurting me, asking me where you were. They want you, Emilia. They want you back, and they believe holding us will get you." She whispered and I sighed, pulling her in and hugging her.

"I'll find them, Claire. I'll find Chris and Piers, don't worry. You focus on getting better, Bryan will help you." She nodded then hugged me.

"Save my brother and friend, please." I nodded and kissed her head, helping her lay down.

"Sleep, sweetie. I'll have them back soon, okay?" She nodded then closed her eyes as I covered her, sitting next to her and singing her favorite lullaby.

I brushed her hair down then leaned down, kissing her head as she slept. I stood and left, blinking away the unshed tears.

"We find Chris and Piers, or I walk and do it myself." I whispered and Bryan Dee nodded.

"We'll find them, I promise." I nodded then looked at Lucas.

"I owe you a favor." He smiled then I went to find Parker, only to find him in the gym.

"Luciani." He looked at me then dropped down off the pull-up bar.

"You, me, now." I said and he nodded, following me to a corner.

"Be honest with me. What's your sexuality?" I asked and he shook his head, obviously confused.

"Why are you asking?" He asked and I sighed, crossing my arms.

"Call it a messenger asking for a friend." He nodded then crossed his arms, sighing.

"Look, no one knows this. I don't go around telling people, but I'm actually gay. I don't like people knowing if it isn't their business." I nodded then looked at the gym.

"Do me a favor, talk to Lucas James." He nodded then I left, going to find James but he was in the mess hall with his buddies.

"Hey, Lucas." I said and sat next to him, his friends staring at me.

"Dude, you know the Black Widow?!" His friend asked then I leaned closer to Lucas, laying my arm on his shoulder.

"Talked to Parker, he's going to talk to you soon. Don't freak, alright?" He nodded then I sat back some, grabbing his fry and eating it.

"So, whatcha boys talking about?" I asked and Lucas smiled.

"You actually." Then I looked at them.


"Never seen you so freaked about someone going missing." Another guy said and I locked my jaw, glaring at him.

"Why do you care?" I asked then stopped as Lucas grabbed my hand.

"Hey, we're just wondering why you care so much." He said and I smirked, looking around the mess hall.

"Before I came here six years ago, I was a weapon for Umbrella. They would torture me, train me, do whatever they pleased. I broke one day, I couldn't take it and snapped. I slaughtered an entire Umbrella facility, got on the BSAA radar. When I got free, I began going after Umbrella by myself and taking them out. The BSAA sent a team after me, one that was ordered to stop me or kill me. I killed all of them, all but two. Chris Redfield and Piers Nivans, they were the only two to survive. I nearly killed Chris, knocked him out and broke five of his ribs. Claire hated me for months after that. Piers was the one who talked me down, got me here, and convinced everyone that I wasn't going to kill them. They saved me, made me the BSAA Black Widow rather than the Umbrella one. I owe them everything, that's why I'm trying to save them." I said and stood, going to walk away but a hand caught my wrist. I turned and saw Lucas then he smiled, which isn't what I was used to after someone heard my story.

"Seems like we need to find these guys, its time you repay them." I smiled and ruffled his hair, going to my in base room.

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