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I walked into the living room then saw Claire there waiting, glaring as I grabbed my mug and pouring coffee. I made it how we liked it then went back to the bedroom before she could say anything, setting the mug down on the nightstand and climbing back into the bed next to him.

"Piers." I whispered, lightly shaking him, then he quickly blinked as he looked at me and smiled.

"Morning, Emilia." I sat up and grabbed the coffee as he sat up some, laying against the headboard.

"Here, coffee." He smiled and took it, drinking some.

"Have you talked to Claire?" I shook my head then laid down, laying against him and setting my head on his chest. He hugged me then set the coffee down, staring at the wall across from us as I looked at the wall with the bathroom.

"No, I haven't. I only went out to make the coffee, then I came back in." I said and he rubbed my arm with his thumb, sighing into my hair.

"You need to talk to her, Emilia. You can't avoid her-"

"I can try." I said then looked at him, seeing him smirking.

"Knowing you, you would-"

"Emilia?" I looked at the door then glared as Claire came in, eyeing me.

"Can we... Can we talk?" She asked then I sat up, groaning when my back hurt. I grabbed it then Piers grabbed me, lifting my shirt and eyeing my bruises.

"They're getting worse, Emilia. Claire, go get me ice and pain killers." She left as I laid in his lap then groaned when he began massaging my back.

"Is she okay?" I looked at Chris, Leon, Jake, Sherry, and Helena then nodded, turning my head and looking away.

"She got hit a couple of times when helping us get out, she just needs rest." Piers said as Claire came in, handing him the ice.

"We'll let you rest then, Emilia." Chris said and soon, Piers and I were here alone.

"Here, take these." He said and I sat up on my elbows, drinking some coffee and taking the pills.

"Thanks, Piers." He nodded then laid down, his chiseled abs under my head as he turned the TV on.

"Piers?" He moved then I looked at him, eyeing him.

"Last night, you didn't say anything when Claire..." I trailed off then he sighed, looking at the TV for a moment.

"I didn't say anything because I wanted you to make the choice, not have me make it for you." He said then I sat up some, ignoring the pain in my back.

"Piers, look at me." He did then I leaned forward, softly touching my lips to his. He grabbed my cheek, pressing into me more, then I softly moaned as I grabbed his arms. I felt his free hand grab my thigh then pull my leg over his, making me straddle him. He hugged my waist, his tongue touching my lips, then I cracked them and slid a hand into his hair. He pulled back, both of us breathing heavily, then I watched his features as we stared at each other.

"Emilia-" I kissed him again then felt his hands grab my hips, really wanting him to grab my ass but not wanting to force him. When his hands fell down on their own, I moaned as he kneaded my ass and made me grind on him. My hair fell into our faces then I broke the kiss, pushing it behind my ears, and laid my head on his.

"How long have we been friends?" He breathed then I grinned, nearly sitting in his hands.

"How long have I been at the BSAA?" He softly laughed then kissed me again, sliding his hands under my shirt and pushing it up under my breasts. I broke the kiss, pulling my shirt off, then he grabbed my breasts and kissed my neck.

"Piers." I moaned, hugging his neck, then he rolled us and pinned me to the bed as he laid between my legs. I slid my hands down his arms, under his shoulders, down his sides, and stopped at his hips where his shorts and boxers rested. I heard his phone ring then he blindly grabbed it, putting it on silent as he shoved his shorts and boxers down. When they were off, he grabbed my shorts and panties then pulled them off, laying between my legs again as he kissed me. The rest of the day, I'm pretty sure both of our phones went off and people came by but we were... Otherwise occupied.

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