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"Good girl, you did as you were told." Nathair said then let me into the cell. I immediately hugged Camilla then my parents hugged me.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered, looking at the others.

"I didn't mean for all this to happen, I-"

"What is he having you do?" Dad asked then I shook my head.

"Its better if you don't know." I said then looked at the others.

"Chris, I'm sorry. Look, when we get out of this, I'll see about that appointment, okay?" His brow furrowed then his face morphed into understanding. He nodded once then I looked at my family.

"You listen to them, okay? Just please, do as they say and we'll get out of here alive." They nodded then I kissed Camilla's head as Nathair opened the door.

"What appointment?" He asked then I looked at him.

"He wants a tattoo, I know good people." He was stupider than he looked because he nodded, believing me. He plugged the flash drive in then I looked at the Intel, seeing a code only I could understand. They'll be here at ten tonight, be ready then. I signed the message to Piers behind my back, knowing he could see, then repeated it in case he missed some. I looked at them, like I wanted to be back in there, then he subtly nodded and turned to whisper to the others.

"This is all good information. Too bad it's not real." I looked at Nathair then felt my brow furrow.

"How? Dee himself gave me that drive."

"How did he do that, hmm?" Nathair asked then I noticed guns going for the cell behind me.

"I forced it out of him, that's how." I growled then Nathair nodded.

"Well, unfortunately for your family, you-"

"Sir, wait." A voice said then I turned, seeing the flash drive information was changing.

"This is the right information, it was behind some firewalls." The man said then I felt my heart slow some.

"You got lucky, Bianchi. It won't happen again." Nathair said then I nodded, standing there for hours as he went through the information. I looked up as the building jolted then Nathair glared at me, grabbing my throat and slamming me into the wall.

"What did you do?!" I grinned as I heard yelling and gunfire then looked at Chris, who grabbed Camilla and covered her eyes. Piers covered my mom's and Helena covered my dad's then I looked at Nathair.

"I set us free."

Piers' POV
I looked at the main room as the screams stopped then saw blood everywhere, bodies littering the ground, the cell door open, but Emilia wasn't here.

"Camilla, Daralice, Antonino, stay close to us. Leon, Helena, stay behind them. Claire, behind us." Chris said and we all nodded, going out and getting some guns.

"Emilia did this?" Camilla asked then I looked at Chris, who looked like he didn't know what to say.

"Let's get the hell out of here." I said then they nodded, following us. We stopped as some soldiers ran past but I caught what they had said.

"Bianchi snapped again! She's tearing through our guys like they're paper!" I looked at Chris then he smirked.

"Glad we never had to seriously fight her." I let out a snort and nodded, leading the family towards the elevator. As we walked, I heard gunfire around us, screaming, pained yells, and bones breaking. The last two were getting louder as we walked.

"She's clearing a path for us." Claire said and I nodded, having come to the same conclusion. When we got to the elevator, I felt my blood run cold as I watched Emilia snap a guy's neck then she grabbed his knife, turning and throwing it with deadly accuracy at another guy, hitting his forehead. She ran at a third, grabbing another knife and gutting him, turning and shooting another guy down. Her entire body was covered in blood, hair soaked in it, the ground red, and bodies covered the floor like carpet.

"Emilia?" Daralice whispered then Emilia looked at us and glared.

"Get in the elevator, now." I ushered her family forward then everyone got into the elevator but I stopped, looking at Emilia.

"Piers, go!" She growled then I looked at her eyes, seeing the pain, rage, and years of torture in them. I slowly nodded then got into the elevator, Leon turning it on as more soldiers charged Emilia.

"Emilia!" Camilla cried but I grabbed her, holding her tightly as her big sister fought the men.

"Camilla, she knows what she's doing. I promise." I whispered and she nodded, hugging me as she cried. We got to the surface then spotlights hit us, blinding us for a moment, then I smiled as I saw Parker, Lucas, and Director Dee with a bunch of soldiers.

"You're safe." Dee said then Daralice glared.

"What about my daughter?!"

"Trust me, she can hold her own against those men. Boys, let's get this family to safety!" Dee called then we were all ushered into trucks.

"Where's Emilia?" Lucas asked and I looked at him then shook my head.

"She stayed down there so we could get out." Chris said and Lucas looked genuinely hurt.

"She'll die-"

"No, she won't." Camilla said then we all looked at her, even her family.

"Emilia survived them multiple times, she can survive them now. She'll cut them down like they're nothing." She said and I couldn't help but agree.

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