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I looked out the window as Chris drove towards the safe house, Piers in the seat behind me. He reached forward and grabbed my shoulder, my hand automatically reaching up and grasping his.

"Are you sure about this?" I nodded as we got to the road, my nerves kicking up as we got closer to this safe house.

"Okay, here we are." Chris said and pulled into the drive, my eyes locked onto the house.

" Chris said and pulled into the drive, my eyes locked onto the house

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"This is a safe house? Damn, set me up in one any day." I whispered as we got out. I slowed as I saw the front door then Piers grabbed my hand, making me feel more comfortable.

"You can do this, Emilia." I nodded then Chris led the way to the door. When he knocked, I gripped Piers' hand tighter as we waited. When the door finally opened, the glass plate slipped from her hand as she saw me.


"Mamma." I whispered and jumped forward, hugging her. She held me tightly then I heard feet on the steps, looking up and seeing Camilla.

"Camilla." I breathed as she slowly came closer, hugging me as well.

"You've grown so much." I whispered as I held her, the front door closing as the guys came in.

"Papà!" Camilla called then I looked up as my father came in from the kitchen. He stared at me, tears in his eyes, then he came over.

"Emilia?" He cried then held my cheeks, not sure I was even here.

"Emilia, my piccolo fiore." He whispered, the sweet nickname making me cry.

"Our little flower." Mom whispered and hugged us both as Camilla hugged me tightly.

"Excuse me for interrupting but if you wouldn't mind, we've been traveling for a long time." Chris said and I nodded, wiping my cheeks.

"Yeah, we have." I whispered then mom nodded.

"Of course, there are two bedrooms upstairs and one in the basement. Camilla, show-"

"I'll take the basement, ma'am." Chris said and mom nodded.

"Camilla, show Captain Redfield to the basement. I'll show you two to the bedrooms upstairs." Mom said and I nodded, taking my bags from Chris.

"Thank you, mom." I whispered and she nodded, taking us upstairs. I slowed as mamma opened the door to the bedroom next to the stairs, Piers taking the one at the end of the hall.

"What happened to you, piccolo fiore?" Mom asked then I gave a soft laugh.

"It's better if you don't know." I whispered, making her brow furrow.


"Mrs. Bianchi, would you mind if I showered?" Piers asked then mom shook her head.

"No, of course not." She smiled and left, going downstairs.

"Thank you, Piers." He nodded then leaned on the doorframe, watching as I set my bags on the bed.

"Your welcome. Figure you want to tell your famiglia about your training on your own terms." I nodded then sat on the bed.

"Even so, how do I tell them about everything I've done since I was eight?" I asked and he sighed, sitting next to me.

"Well, I know because I was sent in to take you out. You were brought in, told to talk about your past, and made an agent. Think of this like a debriefing, your family are just agents that are debriefing you." I sighed and nodded, looking at my lap.

"Can you be there? When I tell them, can you be next to me?" I whispered and looked at him.

"Yeah, I can be there. Chris is going out tomorrow, he's doing a sweep for himself because that's who he is." I nodded and smiled, laying my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks, Piers." He nodded and kissed my head, the most affection anyone is allowed to show me.

"Piers, Emilia, dinner!" Camilla called and I stood, sighing as we went downstairs for dinner.

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