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Seven Months Later
I walked into the house then saw my mom cooking dinner, though she smiled as Piers followed me in. Dad stood and hugged us, Chris and them already here.

"I still love this house." I laughed then dad grinned, kissing my head.

"We all love this house. Come in, please." I went to the great room then hugged Chris as he stood.

"Merry Christmas, Emilia."

"Same to you." I said then hugged my sister, eyeing the boy with her.

"Emilia, this is Carl. Carl, my sister-"

"Hurt her, I'll find you and make you regret it." I growled and he nodded, looking really scared.

"Good." I smiled and went to the kitchen where the women were.

"Met Carl?" Helena asked and I snorted as I grabbed a soda.


"Threaten him?" Sherry asked and I smirked, setting my drink down.

"Claire, I'm sorry about-"

"No, I shouldn't have pushed it. We were drunk, it was a stupid game." She said then I nodded, helping my mom cook.

"Emilia, take these to your father. He's on the porch." I nodded and took the garlands to the porch, seeing dad hanging them.

"Dad, let me." I laughed then he got off the small wall, letting me get up there and hang the decorations. Because I was stretching so much, my sweater showed a small strip of my skin on my stomach and made me cold.

Piers' POV
I watched Emilia and her father hang the decorations on the back porch then they came inside, Camilla grabbing a box.

"Okay, everyone grab an ornament!" She said then we all grabbed one, the star already on the top of their tree.

"It is a tradition in the Bianchi house that all of us hang an ornament and say one thing we are happy about this year." Daralice said then Leon sighed, being elected to go first.

"I'm happy everything worked in our favor this time." He said and we knew what he meant. Camilla's new boyfriend went up and smiled as he hung the little gingerbread man.

"I'm happy Camilla said yes." Her family swooned some, not Emilia, but Carl looked like a puppy in love.

"Piers, your turn." Camilla said and I sighed, going up and hanging the snowflake.

"I'm glad Emilia was there." I said and looked at her, making her smile. No one knew we had taken the next step, no one knew we were now engaged, no one but us knew what I meant.

"Was where?" Claire asked and I looked at her.

"Canadiel, Umbrella, all of it." I said and they nodded as I stepped back.

"Helena?" The others went up, leaving Emilia for last, then I saw the ornament she held was a handmade one. It looked like an imprint of two children hands, one slightly bigger than the other.

"Emilia?" Antonino asked and she looked at him, smiling.

"There's too much for me to say, dad. I'm just happy my life is how it is now." She said and stepped back as Camilla turned the lights in the room off, the tree being the only light now.

"It's beautiful." Sherry breathed then I hugged Emilia's waist, kissing her head.

"Piers?" She whispered, looking up at me, then I looked down at her and she grinned. She grabbed my hand, pulling me to the back porch, then I pulled the door shut as she crossed her arms and looked at me.

"I have something I need to ask you." I nodded, rubbing my arms to fight off the cold, then she came closer.

"Would you want kids?" She asked and I laughed, grabbing her arms.

"Of course, Emili-" I stopped, my mind realizing why she was asking me that, then saw her smiling.

"Are you-" She nodded then I laughed, hugging her tightly. I felt her arms hug my waist then laid my head on her shoulder, happy beyond belief.

"You're pregnant." I whispered then she laughed, looking at me.

"We're pregnant, Piers." I grinned, kissing her, then she held my cheeks. Honestly, I didn't care if the others knew or saw us, I was happy I finally opened my eyes and saw this beautiful woman for who she was. I was happy I could call this woman my fiance, soon to be wife, and the mother of my child.

Black WidowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora