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Lucas James
I kicked the bag, my anger getting the best of me, then stopped as I glared at the sandbag. I screamed as I hit the bag then felt my knuckles move, cracking even.

"Fuck!" I screamed, grabbing my hand.

"Hey, calm down!" I turned and glared at Leon, who looked like prey approaching a lion.

"Let me look-"

"Don't fucking touch me, asshole." I growled when he came closer, reaching for my hand.

"You could have broken your hand, Emilia-"

"And what do you care?! You're not looking for them, you're not helping! I'm trying to find them, you're sitting on-"

"EMILIA, WE HAVE THEM!" He yelled then I stopped, staring at him.


"We found them, Jake Muller found them. I came in here to tell you that you're being sent in, but I'm going to need to look at that hand first." I nodded and went to him, letting him see my hand.

"Let me just..." He popped my knuckles and I winced, flexing my fingers.

"There you go, all done." I nodded and went to my room, getting changed.

I walked to the main room then saw Jake standing there, all of the China team there

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I walked to the main room then saw Jake standing there, all of the China team there. On the screen, I saw Chris and Piers but there was also a facility there.

"Where?" I asked then Dee grabbed me.


"Where?!" I snapped and he looked slightly shocked.

"They're in Canadiel, Emilia." I looked at the screen then saw the ruins of my home.

"That's why I'm sending them with you, because of that." Dee said and I nodded, trying to swallow with my suddenly dry throat.

"I'll need them, especially if I'm going to get both of them out alive. Muller, Harper, you'll be on my ass. Birkin, Kennedy, on their asses. James, Luciani, I want-"


"Bryan, I want them with me." I spit and he nodded.

"Luciani, James, you two will shadow us. If you see anything you don't know, shoot to kill and ask later." I said and they nodded.

"You will be taking the helicopter." I nodded and looked at them.

"Suit up, I'm leaving in five. If you aren't on the helicopter, you're not coming." I snapped and went to the helipad, prepping the copter. I turned as Claire came over then glared, though her injuries were still extensive.

"I'm not asking to join, just saying something. Bring them home, Emilia. And I know how Canadiel is for you-"

"I can handle this, Claire." I said and she nodded.

"Just be careful." I nodded then the team came over as I turned the copter on.

"Claire, go sleep." She nodded then I buckled up as the team got in, Leon next to me.

"Are you sure you can do this?" He whispered and I nodded, lifting the copter off the pad.

"Yes, I can do this. History there or not, I need to do this. For Chris and Piers, I need to go home." I whispered and he nodded as we flew towards Canadiel, Italy.
I grabbed my gun then looked around the ruins, the grass and trees overgrown.

"This is where you lived?" Helena asked and I glanced at her, looking around the familiar festival square.

"There's something I need to do first before we go to the base." I said and Leon glared.

"Hey, this is about-"

"You want me to do this, I'll do it my way, Kennedy." I growled then Lucas came over.

"Then I'll follow you. Wherever you go, I'll shadow you. I trust you." I nodded and looked at the festival square, remembering the roads.

"Follow me." I whispered and went to the fountain, jumping onto the side and looking around.

"What are you doing, Bianchi?" Muller asked and I glared, trying to remember.

"That's King's street, Baker Road, and River Court." I whispered and went towards River Court. I walked down the road then got to the garden of my auntie.

"Where are we?" Sherry asked and I sighed, going towards the old home.

"Stay out here." I said and kicked the door in, going inside. I felt my breathing pick up as I saw the caved-in roof, the old dusty pictures, and the familiar little bed. I went over and sat, grabbing the metal box that was still in beautiful condition, the combo being second nature to me.

"Emilia, let's go!" Luciani yelled then I sighed, taking the box outside.

"What is that?" Leon asked then I sighed, setting the box on the ground and kicking the lock off.

"Something important to me." I whispered and opened it, seeing what I wanted.

"Are you fucking serious?" Jake growled then I glared as I held the doll.

"Are you fucking serious?" Jake growled then I glared as I held the doll

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"All this for a fucking doll?!" Jake spit then I stood and glared.

"This is all I have left of my baby sister!" I spit then his eyes widened as he registered my words.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"No one does, I don't talk about them." I said and went back to the festival square, going to the base now.

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