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I slipped through the vents, dropping down onto the exposed beams, then saw the businessman I was supposed to kill. I froze when I saw Luciani and James there then noticed the BSAA was all here, guarding this man.

"Is there a problem, Widow?" Nathair asked through the com I had then I sighed, pressing it.

"No, there isn't. Just waiting for an opening." I said then tiptoed forward, getting right above the man.

"Parker?" Lucas asked then I looked at him.

"Yeah, Lucas?"

"You think they'll find Emilia, Piers, Leon, Helena, Chris, and Claire? Emilia's family?" He asked then I felt my heart shatter at his hopeless voice.

"Yeah, I do." He said then I stared as Parker kissed Lucas. He did it without me. They're together, Lucas is finally with Parker. I looked at the man then sighed, dropping and snapping his neck.


"Wait!" A voice yelled as I kept my head bowed then I felt tears build up as I realized what I would have to do to get out.

"Look at us, now or we open fire." I looked up then Parker stared as he saw me.

"E-Emilia?" I dropped a smoke bomb then ran out, getting on my Umbrella issued bike and speeding away from the warehouse. When I got back to the base, I saw their hostages were still safe, as promised, but went to Nathair as I pulled my mask down.

"It's done." I said and Nathair smiled.

"Good. Your next task is this." He said and handed me a folder with a smirk, making me look down. I froze at the building I saw then heard him laughing.

"Either you get us what we want, or your little family there gets to see what type of training we put you thr-"

"I'll do it."

"Emilia, don't!" Chris yelled then I glared, making him stop.

"If you go to the BSAA, they will kill you on sight! You've become a target, you can't guarantee that you'll get out." He said then I looked down.

"I know how I can." I said and looked at the Intel they wanted, which was Intel on their satellites. I threw the folder down then left, pulling my mask up as I got on my bike. I drove to the base then snuck in, grabbing Bryan and shutting off my com.

"Bryan, if you want to live, listen to me." I said and he nodded, careful of the knife on his throat.

"Call your agents in, all of them. Tell them to meet in the monitor room." I said and let him go, slipping into the vents as the announcement came on to meet in the monitor room. When I saw all the agents there, I dropped down onto the center table then they trained their guns on me but I held up a dud detonator, not that they knew the difference.

"I'm not here to hurt anyone." I said and dropped off the table.

"Then why, Emilia?" Dee asked and I turned, plugging up the flash drive I snagged from Nathair that showed the live feed of the cell the others were in.

"This is why." I said then looked at Dee, who was staring in shock at the screen.

"If I don't obey, they will kill my family, Chris, Claire, Leon, Helena, Piers. All of them will die if I don't do as I'm told, I can't do anything but obey." I said then looked at Lucas, who looked like he pitied me.

"Emilia, we can help-"

"Why did you come here then?" Dee asked and I showed him the virus flash that I was supposed to connect to get the satellites.

"They want your satellites, but I can't just stand by anymore. Please, I'm asking you as a girl with everything to lose, Bryan. Save my family and my close friends." I said then he handed me a dummy flash, which had fake Intel on it.

"Take this, we'll get them out." I nodded then hugged him.

"Thank you, Bryan." I whispered then let go, pulling my mask up over my mouth as I turned and left.

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