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I walked downstairs then saw everyone was packed, dressed, and eating breakfast. I kissed my dad's cheek then sat next to him and Claire, my mom handing me a plate.

"You all going back then?" I nodded and mom smiled.

"Don't forget to come see us, hmm?" I nodded then she kissed my head, making me laugh.

"Oh, Camilla, I almost forgot!" I said then went to my bag, opening it to her doll.

"Volpe!" She cheered, running over and hugging the doll.

"You went to Canadiel?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I did." She smiled as she hugged me then I held her close, kissing her head.

"Thanks, Emilia." I smiled as we sat then mom gave me a small smile.

"Why did you return?"

"Umbrella kidnapped Chris and Piers, took them there, I had to get them." I said they nodded.

"Well, good thing you're all safe." Dad said and I smiled, laying on him as we ate. When we were leaving an hour later, I hugged my mom tightly then kissed her head.

"I'll come back, mamma. I promise, I won't leave again." She nodded then I smiled at my sister.

"You, be good for them. Okay?" I laughed and she nodded, hugging me.

"I love you, Emilia."

"I love you too, Camilla." I said then let go, walking to the car. I looked at them then waved before I got in, Piers leaving the drive and heading back towards the base.

"You know you can come back whenever."

"I know." I smiled then Claire grabbed my hand.

"Hey, we'll be okay. You know that." I nodded then looked at her, Leon, Helena, and Chris.

"Yeah, I know." I said then let her hand go, looking out the window.

"So, back to wo-" I heard Claire scream as an explosion sounded then I hit my head, blacking out.
"Get up!" I jerked, looking up, then glared at the man with an Umbrella badge on his vest.

"You try anything, we kill your friends and family." He moved then I saw all of my friends chained up to a wall but stared at Camilla, mamma, and papà who were also chained up.

"Good girl." The guys said as I stopped trying to get free.

"Sir, she's awake." He said then backed up as the door opened, Nathair Malcolm coming in.

"Looking at me, you'd never guess I was an Umbrella Operative." He said then I looked at Camilla as she woke up.

"Emilia!" She cried when she saw me then I glared at Nathair.

"Let them go-"

"If we do that, you won't behave. So, here's what you're going to do if you want them to live." He said and came closer, kneeling down.

"It's simple really, you have to kill some people for us, get some Intel, little things like that, then your family goes free. You continue to obey, we'll set your friends free." He said then I looked at my friends and famiglia as they all woke up. Piers, Chris, Leon, and Helena were watching me, calculating what was going on, but Claire was trying to calm my family down.

"Let me talk to them, please. Just let me talk to them in private and I'll do as you ask." I said and he smirked, standing and going to the door.

"Five minutes, Black Widow." He said then left, a little green light turning on.

"Emilia, what's going on?!" Mom cried then I forced a smile.

"Mom, it's okay. Listen, everything will be okay but I need you to listen to me. You have to do as they say, please. If you don't, I can't keep you safe. All of you, behave and we'll get out of this. That means you guys, Chris, Leon, Piers. You can't try anything, okay?" They nodded then I looked at the light, knowing I was running out of time.

"Listen, Camilla, I love you. You'll be okay, I promise." I said then Nathair came in, the light turning off.

"Times up. Let's get you back into your suit, hmm?" He smirked then I nodded, letting them undo the chains. I stood then looked at my family, my friends, and smiled to reassure them.

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