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"They're both okay, Agent Bianchi. You helped them." I nodded then the doctor left, letting me into the room. When I got in there, Chris smiled as I sat next to Piers, who was still out.

"When was the last time you were there?" Chris asked and I sighed, looking at him.

"When I was eight, when the B.O.W. attacked." He nodded then sighed.

"There's something you don't know about that." I looked at him then he reached up with his good hand, scratching his head.

"I looked into Canadiel, the early version of what is now the BSAA, the version before this, sent a team in. They were there to find survivors, take out the B.O.W., all that." He said then I stood, going towards him.

"Chris, what are you saying?" I breathed, not noticing the door open.

"Emilia, your family is alive. They lived, I found them before China but I never got the chance to tell you. I know where they are, if you want to see them." He said and I felt my heart leaping in my chest.

"My mamma, papà, Camilla? They're alive?" He nodded, which made my face break out into a smile.

"Grazie!" I cried, thanking him, and hugged his neck. He held me then I turned as I heard someone clearing their throat, seeing Claire.

"Claire." She saw her brother then ran over, hugging him. I laughed as I held them both then heard a groan.

"Emilia, Claire, Chris?" I turned and saw Piers finally awake then sat on the bed next to him, his hand grabbing mine.

"You're finally awake. What do you remember?"

"Bits and pieces." He whispered then Chris laughed.

"At least we're alive. We owe Emilia our lives." I smiled then looked at Chris.

"When you're both healed, take me to them." He nodded and smiled as Piers gripped my hand tighter.

"He told you then? About your family?" I nodded and looked at him.

"Yeah, he did. But I've got a bone to pick with someone." He nodded as I stood, going to the main HQ and seeing the team and Dee.

"Dee!" He looked at me then I grabbed his shirt, pinning him to the table.

"Did you know my family was alive?" I asked and his eyes widened as the room fell silent, everyone watching us.

"Did you?!" I yelled then he sighed, nodding.

"I knew-"

"And you kept that from me?!" I growled as I stepped closer to him.

"I kept it from you because I knew this is how you'd react." He said then I threw him to the ground, Leon and Jake catching me before I kicked him.

"Why?! Why didn't you tell me?! This is my family, my famiglia! My baby sister, my mother, my father, they're alive and you didn't tell me!" I yelled, fighting the guys who were struggling to hold me, then Dee stood and fixed his suit.

"Those are classified files, how did you find out?"

"I'm friends with a captain, that's how." I growled then threw the guys off, stepping closer though I noticed agents reaching for their weapons.

"He had no right to tell-"

"Tell me my family is alive? Tell me I wasn't the last survivor of my home town? The last survivor of the damn B.O.W.?!" I snapped then turned as the door opened, Chris limping in.

"She had a right to know. I don't think hiding something from the Black Widow is a good idea." Chris said then Dee sighed.

"Tell me where." I said then Dee turned, typing on the computer.

"They're in South Dakota, we put them in a-"

"You put them? Meaning you knew all this time?" I whispered and Dee nodded.

"They're in a safe house, don't worry. We were protecting them from Umbrella, we still are. If you'd like to see them-"

"Chris and Piers are going with me. If I'm going to see my family again, I'm going to need a comfort with me. And you're going to give us as much time as we need, you won't pull us in for anything. Are we clear?" I asked and Bryan nodded.

"Crystal clear. You, focus on healing. Same with Nivans." Chris nodded then I left, going to the gym.

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