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I went downstairs with Piers as Chris left, shutting the door behind him. I saw my family in the great room then went to them, sitting on the couch across from my mom and sister, my dad on the recliner next to them.

"Emilia, what's wrong?" Camilla asked then I looked at Piers as he sat next to me. He grabbed my hand then I smiled, looking at my family.

"Mom, you asked what happened to me after Canadiel. The truth is, I thought all of you had died and I ran. I left the town, going to the beach, but these men found me. They were with this group, the Umbrella Corporation, and they are the ones who put the B.O.W in Canadiel. They took me to one of their facilities, trained me to speak every known language, to be this..." I trailed, looking for the right word, then closed my eyes as I looked down.

"They trained me to be the perfect weapon, their assassin who wouldn't ask questions. One day, about six years ago, I snapped and slaughtered everyone in the facility. The scientists, soldiers, technicians, all of them. I slaughtered an entire Umbrella facility, got on the BSAA radar. When I got free, I began going after Umbrella by myself and taking them out. The BSAA sent a team after me, one that was ordered to stop me or kill me. I killed all of them, all but two. Chris and Piers, they were the only two to survive. I nearly killed Chris, knocked him out and broke five of his ribs. Piers talked me down, got me to the BSAA, and convinced everyone that I wasn't going to kill them." I said, looking at Piers, then looked at my family to see them shocked.

"Piers vouched for me with Dee, said he would be responsible for anything I did while the BSAA trained me to be their soldier. I became good friends with Chris, Piers, and Chris' sister Claire. I was so good at my job, I was nicknamed the Black Widow." I said then waited for them to react, for them to scream or yell or cry or something.

"Piccolo fiore, you went through so much." Dad said then I gripped Piers' hand tighter.

"You're so strong and brave, Emilia. Don't ever be afraid to tell us something, okay?" Mom said then I felt a weight lift off me and almost visibly sagged. I laughed, nodding some, then my sister came over and hugged me.

"I love you guys so much." I said then looked at Piers, who was smiling.


"Shut up." Everyone laughed then Chris came in, Claire, Leon, and Helena trailing.

"Chris." I smiled then stood, going to hug Claire who was so much better now.

"This is my sister Camilla, my father Antonino, and my mother Daralice. Famiglia, this is Leon Kennedy, Helena Harper, and Claire Redfield." I said then Camilla grinned, grabbing my hand.

"Emilia, I have a surprise for you." I laughed as she dragged me downstairs then I heard the others coming as we went to the game area. When we got there, I saw they had Just Dance and sighed.


"Please!" She begged then I groaned, pulling my hair up as the others cheered.

"Fine, but you forget I was trained by two government agencies."

"And I've been taking lessons with mom." She said then I looked at mom.

"Okay, you may be slightly better than me." I said, making her laugh, then she turned the game on.

Piers' POV
I watched Emilia laugh with her sister then grinned as Camilla failed, again, and Emilia hugged her.

"She's actually happy." Claire said and I looked at her, nodding as I watched Emilia.

"She has her family back." Chris said then hugged his sister as Camilla finally beat Emilia.

"Leon, your turn!" Emilia said and Leon looked so confused until Camilla yanked him up to play the game.

"You done?" I teased then Emilia glared, but it was her playful glare. Otherwise, I'd have pissed my pants.

"You try doing it-"

"No, I'm good." I laughed then she laid her head on my shoulder, my arm hugging her side.

"They're here, Piers. I have them back, I'm not the last survivor." I looked at her then smiled as she looked up at me. She wasn't much shorter than me, just a couple inches but it was enough for her to look up.

"Thank you, both you and Chris." I nodded then kissed her forehead as Leon got his ass kicked by an eighteen-year-old at a dancing game.

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