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I hugged Claire as she came in then I took her bags since she was staying the night, everyone was.

"Happy birthday, biotch."

"Thanks, hoe." I laughed, going to her room in the place, then saw Sherry and Jake come in as I went out.

"Okay, you all know the rules!" Chris said and I groaned.

"Birthday girl decides the first game." Leon said, holding his beer as we all sat in the living room, pulling in seats or sharing. I, as always, sat on Piers' lap and they were used to it. Jake eyed us but ignored it, since everyone else was.

"Claire, pick." I said and grabbed my wine, smirking as she thought.

"Truth or dare to start." She said and we all groaned, knowing how brutal we could get.

"Emilia, you're first, slut." She said and I sighed, setting my glass down.

"I'll need something stronger if Chris is playing."

"Hey!" Everyone laughed then Helena tossed me a beer, making me smirk.

"Truth or dare?" Claire smirked and I sighed.

"I'm going to regret this with you, but dare-"

"You know what I want." She said and I groaned, knowing EXACTLY what she wanted.

"I could kill your ass if I wanted-"

"What does she want?" Sherry laughed then I stood, setting my beer down and pulling my jacket off.

"I know!" Piers laughed then I glared at him, since I had told him when she asked me. Basically, she wants a show of how flexible and balanced I am.

"Claire, you're conniving and I hate you." I said, tossing her my jacket, then she grinned as I went to the back of the couch.

"Be careful!" Leon laughed as I stood on the arm, carefully balancing in my heels.

"If I fall, these idiots are in the way." I said and Helena, Chris, and Sherry laughed.

"Go ahead." Claire said and I groaned as I got to the middle of the couch.

"Fine, I will." I said, bending forward and grabbing Chris' and Helena's shoulders, lifting my legs and balancing.

"Holy shit!" I bent my legs over my head then felt my heels touch the coffee table, regretting my choice of pants as I lowered into a split. I winced some as I felt my thighs pull but looked at her, making her eyebrow lift.


"The whole thing, cunt." I groaned, knowing I'd have a hard time in these pants with the whole thing.

"Then Piers is going to have to help me, these are not the pants for this." She nodded and he stood, grabbing my left heel and holding it.

"Ready?" I asked and he nodded, Chris and Leon holding Piers steady. I took a deep breath and pushed myself up with my hands, balancing on my fingertips, then lifted my right leg over my head and reached one hand up, grabbing my heel.

"What the fuck?!"

"Is that normal?!"

"No!" Four voices laughed then I nodded at Piers. He shoved my foot up then I rolled back, doing a handstand and flipping up onto my feet. I nearly fell but caught myself before I did.

"Okay, I'm not doing that again." I laughed as Claire grinned.

"You did it once, I'm good." She said then I sat on the arm of the chair, grabbing my beer.

"How are you not broken?!" Helena asked and I smirked.

"I'm extremely flexible."

"Obviously!" Jake laughed then I grinned, looking at Leon.

"Leon, your turn-"

"Truth, I don't trust you." He said and I laughed, setting my beer on my leg.

"Okay. Is it true you and Claire hooked up after Raccoon?" I asked and he went so red, I thought he was a human lobster.

"Emilia!" Claire whined but Chris groaned.

"Not what I wanted to know-"

"No, we didn't. Thank you very much." Leon said and I laughed.

"Whatever you say." I sang, drinking my beer, then he cleared his throat.

"Jake, your go." He said and the game continued as we all got drunk off our asses.

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