Bury a friend, try to wake up

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I'm lying here. With no chance to move. Still unsure if they aren't lying to me. Sure, they're worried about me and care for me...but this whole situation...is just complicated. All what I've been through, all the people that betrayed me. I don't who I can trust. I don't even know if I can trust my own senses anymore...after all this halucinations, visions and nightmares. I don't see what they see. I'm not in the reality anymore. My vision starts to fade and enters another area. 

What do they want from me? Why don't they run from me? What are they wondering? What do they even know?

I stand in a dark gray room...one part lighted up a bit, the other one covered in the shadows. And I'm standing right between them...undecided which path I should follow...
The lonely path with no betrayal? That one in the shadows?
Or the path with a lot of people...that can still betray me? The one with the light at the end of the tunnel?

Why aren't they scared of me? Why do they even care for me?
What if they're only playing a crazy game with me? They could do everything with me! And I wouldn't be able to defend myself...because of how broken I am...
It's like I would I ask myself: When we all fall asleep, where do we go? There's probably no answer...it doesn't matter what I do, something's gonna be wrong...

I'm like their pet to which you say: "Come here..."
But I know that there is more than only concern.

"Say it, spit it out, what is it exactly?"
"You're payin'? Is the amount cleanin' you out? Am I satisfactory?"
I would want to ask this questions and get answers...but how I said earlier...there's probably going to be the same answer, unsure if it's a lie or not...

But the dark path literally calls for me...

Today, I'm thinkin' about the things that are deadly

The way I'm drinkin' you down
Like I wanna drown, like I wanna end me

These are my thoughts...

It's a risky game...I know...but...

It's like stepping on the glass or stapling your tongue. You cry out with an "Ahh". Because of the pain, or in this case, because I loose my sanity.

Dark or light? Bad or Good?

Bury a friend or trying to wake up? 
Cannibal class and killing the son?
Bury a friend or I wanna end me?

So many questions...and too little time to answer all of them...

I wanna end me

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna... end me?
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna...what do I wanna?

Do I really wanna end me? Wait, I don't want to go that far...I don't want to be seduced by the shadows of my past. 

What do I want from me? Why don't I run from me?
What am I wondering? What do I know?
Why am I not scared of me?
Why do I care for me, when I'm thinking over such terrible things?

When I fall asleep, where do I go?

"Keep you in the dark, what had you expected?"
The light warns me again and again.
"That the dark will steal you away from us and uses you to its art and make you a star. And you really think that it will get you connected?"

Music Videos can have a deeper meaning, you know? (NateWantToBattle story)Where stories live. Discover now