Sound off for the criminals

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Nate drives down the streets, leaded by the search of Jessica. If she even is still alive...

He knows that the others will sound him off as a wanted man. He can't hold his head high, feet on the ground, that would make him stand out even more. He needs to keep his head low, blend into the crowd. Nobody must recognize him.

He's on the run, probably called a criminal or maybe something worse...wanted for stealing hearts and crushing souls for example...

But he must find her. He's determined that she's alive. Hunter lied to him, she can't be dead. He just doesn't want to believe it.

But where does he even go? Where can she be? L.A. is way too big to find her so quickly. 

"Telling you I'm all ears but don't hear a sound.." he mutters as he drives through the city. It's already evening...he doesn't even know where to sleep? 

Hotels, no chance. Everyone would recognize him. He needs to disappear from the public. Then an idea comes in his mind.

"The storehouse!" a smile immediately starts to form on his face. Nobody, except him, knows that under a storehouse, at the port, is a hidden basement, build like an apartment. Perfect as a hideout.

"Door's open but I built up a wall.." he mutters as he drive towards the port. It was a long time ago since the last time that he have been there. The last time, he was there with his father. He was like 8 years old there. So good, old memories...

He drives through the entrance of the port and stops right in front of the warehouse. He sits there for a while, thinking about the funny days that he had here in his childhood. It's unbelieveable for him that this  was more than 20 years ago...

He grabs his cane and his bag and gets out of the car. With the first step with his left leg he falls to his knees. He forgot how much his left leg is a problem for him. Before he left he was leaded by anger, frustration and adrenaline, the pain was forgetable. But now, where the anger and the adrenaline is gone, the pain overwhelms him more than anything else.

"I this goes on I'm losing it, I'm so sick of this.." he mutters as he stands up again, this time holding himself with the cane. 

He walks to the edge of the port and sits down there. The sun is about to disappear behind the horizon. He remembers how he sat here with his father, talking with him about music. He always said that Nate is going to become a musician, that he could sense it. Oh how right he was..

A big smile starts to form on Nate's face. He just loves to think back to the times where all the problems didn't exist. 

Where you never have said the words, that it takes to make your heart break. Where you could never write a line that shines as bright as someone's eyes.

All this problems and a lot more showed up in the last years. For the most of the people it was normal, but not for Nate. Nate hated when he wasn't able to tell his girlfriend the reason why they break up or that he just couldn't write a line so bright as someone's eyes. He just hated it, and because of that he wishes to go back to his past, where all this didn't exist.

He looks down on the water, in his own reflection. It starts to change. The bruises are deeper and fresher.

"And I can't live it down. So I'll live it up for you. And I can't hold it up. So I'll lay it down for you...Nate you're a poet..."

"W-What do you mean with that?" Nate asks confused.

"He means that you're pretty good with your words..." a voice appears next to him. Next to is sitting his older version again.

"And what do YOU now mean with that?" his older version rolls it's eyes.

"Dude, can't we even make a compliment without that you being suspicious?" it sneers.

"You can...I just didn't think that you would give me a compliment..." it laughs calmly.

"Nate, I'm your past. Why shouldn't I give you compliments?" he puts it's hand on his shoulder.

"Because of the many bad choices I've made?" he looks at his reflection in the water. 

"Nathan..." it snaps it fingers, now it sits right next to him. "Everyone makes mistakes.."

"What was your mistake then?" Nate burries his face in his hands.

"I fell down the stairs..." Nate looks at him in confusion, while his older version starts to laugh.

"What? You fell down the stairs?" Nate raises one eyebrow.

"Yeah! Stairs can be really brutal..."

"Okay...what was your mistake then?" he turns to his older version who smiles slightly.

"My mistake? I think you know them..." he smiles.

"Me? Why?"

"Because mine are the same as your mistakes. Like I always say: I'm your past. That's it." he laughs and takes his glasses off.

"So that means that we really are the same person...but you are 'older'?" 

"Yep!" he smiles widely.

"Okay..." he stands up and takes his cane and bag. He turns around, starting to walk towards the warehouse.

"Do you believe what Natemarrione said?" Nate stops, staring over his shoulder at his hurted version.

"Yes...she just can't be dead..." his hurted version turns around and looks at him.

"Do what you think is right, Nathan. But please overthink your moves...I know that you want to find her...but don't risk your own life for her.." 

"I'll overthink them...don't worry.." Nate continues his way to the warehouse.

"I would like to hope so ... one dead person in this life is enough..." Nate closes his eyes and turns around, but both of his versions are gone.

"I'm losing it, so sick of it..." he mutters and turns to the warehouse again, walking towards it.

"I give it my best, secretly I'm a mess..."

Music Videos can have a deeper meaning, you know? (NateWantToBattle story)Where stories live. Discover now