Day 4

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Cool air blew through the vents near the ceiling, wafting down onto the gentle rise and fall of a warm blanket draped over a lumpy silhouette that stretched from one arm of the couch to the other. The sound of the ice maker in the freezer rattled as newly frozen cubes toppled down into the tray, echoing through the otherwise quiet apartment.

A bird outside mistook one of the windows as a mirror and smacked into it hard enough to jolt Bakugo awake, hands at the ready with sparking palms as the blanket slid to the floor.

He looked around for a moment before realizing where he was - and where he wasn't - before falling limply back into the couch with a groan. "Day four: everything sucks," he cursed with a snarl. "Wait, Saturday...what time is it?"

Bakugo rubbed the sleep from his eyes and stumbled off the couch to look at the time displayed on the microwave: almost eight o'clock. For once he missed having a phone if only to keep track of time wherever he went. Normally his notifications buzzed with annoying texts or missed calls from agencies wanting a merchandise deal or to use him in an ad, so keeping it on silent was preferred. He turned around and stared at your closed bedroom door, concluding that you must still be asleep.

"Shit, the park. Being social, crowds...better than sitting around doing nothing, I guess," he mumbled while remembering the plan for today. As frustrated as he was about still being here, he knew getting angry and blowing shit up wouldn't solve his very unique problem. The villain probably counted on him losing his cool and being miserable, so just out of spite he'd keep his shit together while trying to possibly, maybe, have a halfway decent time today.

Bakugo grabbed a set of clean, new clothes from the closet along with his familiar jeans and worn hoodie for a full day outside. Being thankful for something as mundane as clean underwear struck him as bizarre when coming out alive during dangerous missions often overshadowed the ability to take a hot shower to wash off the blood and grime. Again, he considered what could've happened, where he could've possibly ended up...but scoffed and brushed the hypothetical scenarios aside before heading into the bathroom to shower.

He always turned the water to the hottest setting, enjoying the nearly scalding sensation on his skin. Bakugo reached down to grab his soap but grabbed yours by mistake until he wiped the water out of his eyes.

It was right then, for the first time in over three days, that Bakugo realized he was roommates with a woman and the possible implications that carried. He was using your shower, staying in your apartment, and sleeping on your couch. This wasn't a hotel, this was your home, and his temporary living space until he figured out how the hell to get back home.

"Fuck," he muttered, quickly grabbing his own soap and trying not to think too hard on it. Not like it mattered, anyway. He wasn't about to parade around in the nude or do something questionable to make you uncomfortable; still, this roommate situation was a first and he'd exercise appropriate mindfulness going forward.

He and Kirishima agreed to rooming together after graduation, both sidekicks to Pro Heroes as they worked their way upwards and gained reputations until they felt stable enough to move out on their own. It worked out well enough since they'd known each other all through their time at UA, but this current scene extended beyond his expertise.

You seemed more comfortable around him day-by-day and managed to joke around about something as stupid as Pokemon, so Bakugo judged you didn't see him as much of a threat, anymore. The thought unsettled him a bit considering he still didn't know whether or not you had ulterior motives, but he felt increasingly sure that you couldn't do him much harm. He'd go out, ride some damn roller coasters, and observe you in a setting outside of this small apartment. No problem.

"Be Still, Just for Me" {Bakugo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now