Day 32

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The alarm, oh the dreaded alarm blared in your ears like a siren song entrancing you to wake up. Horrible. Awful. Annoying. Loud.

You were far too sleepy to remember what day it was or why you'd set the alarm in the first place, instead deciding to cushion yourself against the wall of warmth under your sheets. However, this very alive wall had other plans in mind.

Namely a plan that consisted of annoying you awake so that you shut off your damn phone.

"Alright, ALRIGHT, fucking...too early..." You groaned and shoved Katsuki away weakly in a pitiful attempt to get him to stop pinching your sides before rolling over to shut off your phone. A strong arm snaked around your middle and warm breath tickled your ear a few seconds after you closed your eyes again. "Katsuki."

A soft chuckle like morning birdsong. He was so lucky he was cute. "Ohayo, (y/n)," he whispered in your ear, sending a slight shiver down your spine. Too half asleep to reciprocate his early morning enthusiasm, you reached up to place your palm on his cheek before turning your head to kiss the side of his face. It was enough of a distraction to wiggle out of his grip and land on your feet, tired wobbliness aside.

"Chotto matte," you said with a finger in his face before walking out of the room to use the bathroom and brush your teeth. It was only then when you looked at your pillow-ruffled hair in the mirror under the too-bright bathroom lights that you realized it was Saturday. "Ooh, theme park date! Guess someone's excited."

When you came back, you found Katsuki already up and stretching, rippling muscles seizing your attention like a suncatcher arresting sparkling sunshine. Apparently, you were standing there for a second too long because he smirked, stretched once more with the obvious intention of flexing his very defined shoulders and arms, and waltzed over to you for a lip-to-lip good morning kiss that definitely woke you up. Weeks later he was still sweeping you off your feet. Depending on how the day went, the potential for a heartfelt confession seemed strong... but you'd play it by ear before you said anything too raw that you couldn't take back.

After the two of you showered - no time for funny business this morning - Katsuki made a quick and easy breakfast while slapping your hand away from the package of mochi you bought.

"I forgot to try some last night," you whined while pulling down some plates.

"Too bad, you can have some tonight when we get back. Mochi isn't breakfast," he argued before turning off the stove. No dessert for breakfast must've been one of his unspoken rules. Party pooper.

As you ate your food - with chopsticks just to practice more and prove that you could - you browsed the website of the theme park to see if there were any special events happening or new attractions. "Ooh, Katsuki! They put up spooky stuff in the park for the fall weather! Do you like haunted houses?"

He looked up from his eggs and practically sneered. "Not really, no. I don't like scary movies or stuff like that."

Now, that was a surprise to you, and it must've shown on your face from the way his eyebrow inched upwards. "Really? I somehow pegged you as someone who would like that type of thing... " You shrugged; you didn't want to convince him to do something he really didn't want to do. "We don't have to if you don't like it."

Katsuki eyed you with scrutiny before taking a sip of water. No, he didn't particularly like haunted houses, scary movies, or any of that shit; it wasn't that any of it actually scared him, though. Definitely not. Even though you said it was OK, he figured you'd be disappointed if you weren't able to go in just because of him. Maybe he could suck it up for one day.

"I'll think about it," he said even though he'd already made up his mind. "But we're going on the roller coasters again."

"Of course we are. That's half the reason for going."

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