before we get started.

832 20 57

Y/N = Your name

L/N = Last name

F/C = Favorite color

S/F/C = Second favorite color

B/F/N = Best friend name

F/B = favorite band

F/F = favorite food

F/D = favorite drink


[Slight spoiler for later on in the story]

You fall sick of the slender-virus and when you go into your 'masked persona you wear the following;

You fall sick of the slender-virus and when you go into your 'masked persona you wear the following;

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And along with the infamous...

And along with the infamous

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...Crowbar! [>:3]

This story is one of my first so i appologoze for any grammar mistakes or spelling errors.
I will add a song I think fits into the story as well as an image(or meme) for every(most)chapter(s).

Enjoy the story!!!1!11!!

[DISCONTINUED ATM]📼The Crow's Skull📼[Skully/Jay x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now