Chapter 11

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I walked out of the house and ran into the forest.

after about a few minutes it got dark and I felt lost but... at home.

Walking up to a tree I looked down and saw a black blob. Confused, I picked up the blob, "My mask?" I muttered.

Since I didn't feel like carrying it I put it on. My vision was darkened of course but I felt safe here, so I was fine.

Following a trail of crushed leaves and sticks, Domino jumped onto my shoulders as I blankly stared ahead.


After a while of just blankly staring, walking, and thinking, I saw that house I loved. My old home.
It was just like I left it.

I walked up to it not moving my head, I opened the mailbox and grabbed the spare key. Unlocking the door I felt sad, overwhelmingly sad.

I walked up to the stairs and walked up. seeing my door at the left I walked in.

Turning my head I saw my desk, walking up to it I saw all of my pictures of me, Jay, Tim, Alex, and some with Brian.
I looked up and there were more.

Domino suddenly jumped down from my shoulders and ran back to the forest, I paid no mind to it and just stared at the happy, smiling faces of the past(GOD I SOUND EMO).


Jay's POV

I stood on the porch with Tim, waiting for Domino to come running with Y/N behind her, but after waiting I started to think they were out of range but then Domino came running with no Y/N behind her. 
She ran to me and bit my shoelace and yanked it towards her, She always did that when she wanted anyone to follow her, so, I followed the cat, Tim behind me. 


We followed her until we got to Y/N's old house.
I opened the door and heard crashing from upstairs.

Tim and I rushed up the stairs to Y/N's room, slamming the door open.
Y/N's room was a mess and I saw the originally fixed window smashed again, blood lacing the shards.

"The hell happened?" Tim muttered kneeling down to look at the glass shards.

I walked up to the window and looked down thinking she fell out again but saw nothing then, I heard slight footsteps on the roof?

"Dude, what're you doing?" Tim questioned me while he sat on her bed watching me climb out her window carefully.

"Dunno checking the roof?" I replied trying to not fall,
"Alright then," he got up and waited for me to move aside a bit for him to help me up,


We got on the roof of her house and Tim just silently followed me,

I walked near were the footsteps sounded like they'd lead and saw, Y/N standing top on the brick chimney, her mask secured on her face and her H/C H/L hair flowing in the wind.

She stood there, abnormally balanced, staring at the driveway.

She raised her head up and looked at her wrists then back down,(Don't hate me for this pls ;-;)

Then jumped.


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