Chapter 13

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It's 4:14 AM, I'm laughing randomly at nothing, and I have writers' block. T h I s  I s  J u S t  F I L l E r
sorry I'd feel bad for not posting for like a week.


(Don't mind me just finishing this a week later. :'>)

Jay's POV

I watched Brian walk away after that... whatever you want to call that, and sat up Y/N clinging to me for a second to not fall over.
"Well, how about we go 'get' those corndogs?" I said with air quotes.
"S-Sure? But do you guys even have money?" she asked, almost asking herself,
"No. We steal what we need from peoples' houses." I said casually.


Y/N and I were walking in the tree line with our masks on spotting out the houses with no one home, to avoid any murders. 

We found a house that was of decent size and looked generally loaded, so, we broke in.

Y/N closed the now unlocked door behind herself and we split up, I went to the kitchen to get food and Y/N went who knows where.



I walked to the staircase in looked up, the walls plain and grey and pristine white carpet getting stained brown with mud from my shoes as I climbed the stairs. See, I always seemed like a good kid, which I was. But, I always had dreams of walking into rich people's houses and taking what I wanted free of punishment, but being a little girl I couldn't. So, this... this is a dream come true!
I opened the first door in the hallway, a bathroom. The second, a guest room with nothing but a queen bed, with white sheets and small splashes of blues every here and there. I closed the door, the room not being of interest and moved the nest one, a girl's bedroom, painted grey like the rest of the house but the decore was colorful and bright, the walls covered in posters and pictures with I presume to be the girl's friends and family. in the corner was a white vanity desk with makeup and jewelry all over, I turned to the side and saw a door, the closet. Opening the door I was nearly blasted with clothes and shoes galore. I looked around for a bag and spotted a singular duffle bag, an (F/T football team) duffle bag, I grabbed the bag and shoved all the clothes I thought looked cute and would fit(which wasn't much but was still a decent bit). once satisfied, I went to roam the shelves and stuff. the first thing that caught my eye in what I presume to be a reading area was a guitar, covered in stickers,

 the first thing that caught my eye in what I presume to be a reading area was a guitar, covered in stickers,

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I grabbed it and I was done with my little raccoon stealing spree of this teenage girl's room. Leaving I walked out to see Jay walking up the stairs with two reusable grocery bags filled with food.
"Why do you have all this stuff?" He asked tilting his head at the duffle bag I wore like a backpack and the guitar,
"Look, girls gotta have things in her room or else they feel like they're in the looney bin," I said with a slight accent, 
"Also I like taking stuff," I added.

"Okay... well I got the food, let's go," he said signaling me to follow him back out, 
"Okay!" I followed happily with my stolen goods.


Once home I ran to my room and immediately emptied the bag's contents onto my bed and looked at what all I took,

Two hoodies, one tank top, one black and white fannel, three pairs of jeans, one blue sweater crop top with yellow strips, two pairs of leggings(black, and F/C), and two skater skirts(F/C, black, and S/F/C).

How did I fit all of that? My dad taught me how to pack. (same)
and then, of course, the guitar. the beautiful guitar.

I turned to my side and saw a closet on the wall across from my bed, next to a small, dirty, antique vanity desk. I opened it and was greeted with some old metal hangers and an ancient jacket probably three sizes too big. 


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 'Perfect.' I thought, Was I gonna wear this random jacket that's probably been here for years and never washed? Fuck yeah!

grabbed some hangers and the nasty jacket and walked back to the bed.

after putting all the clothes on hangers and picking out an outfit(black tank top, F/C skater skirt, black leggings, then the jacket.)

I put up all the clothes the put on the outfit I picked out, the jacket ingulfed my body going down past my knees and leaving 6 inches on the sleeves hanging from where my hands are. perfect.
Walking out of my room, I walked downstairs with my guitar to find Jay.

The kitchen.

(I had to switch to my phone bc my PC died)
I rolled up my sleeves and walked in, Tim and Brian were talking and Jay was unloading the groceries.
I held up my guitar and strummed, getting their attention.

"I love you Bitch." I stummed again,
"I ain't never gonna stop loving you" strum,
"Biiiitch." I yelled with my mask on referencing that come

"Okay. That was lit, but where the hell did you get that jacket?" Jay asked,

I sat down the guitar and walked up to him, looking up slightly to make eye contact.
"The fucking closet."
"It smells like a dead old man and cardboard, wanna smell?" I raised my now hidden arm up to his face and attacked his nose with old man smell.



Yeah Y/N attacked Jay's but that's not important.
What's important is that I'm sorry I haven't updated this story in a while bc I haven't had any motivation and i feel bad for it so-

I m Sor Ry

Also yeah I have dreams like that were I just Rob people then wake up. I low-key love them.

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