Last A/N for a bit

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okay first off,

HOW is this story #1 in ALEX KRAILIE when his name was said ONCE in this story???and second,I DONT UPDATE ENOUGH AND IM SORRY ;(my parents don't like marble hornets (or anything I like aside from my fav color yellow)so if they knew about this stor...

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HOW is this story #1 in ALEX KRAILIE when his name was said ONCE in this story???

and second,

my parents don't like marble hornets (or anything I like aside from my fav color yellow)
so if they knew about this story they'd nearly breathe down my neck and not let me have like ANY artistic freedom(not like they do in the first place).
so I only get to update when everyone is asleep or no one is home.
Now, when no one's home, that's rare so it's usually out of the question. But, when I'm the only one up, it's more common but when I am up, I usually have (practically my only) friends(lies) with me and they're all light sleepers so-. Now, sometimes I'm up late, no friends, and everyone asleep but, like right now, it's 1:40 AM, and I'm only up because I can't sleep(like always), I normally stay up due to undiagnosed sleep issues, or just caffeine. but I think it's sleep issues, so I'm really only on wattpad right now because I can't sleep.

ANYWAYS more updates soon! just not tomorrow because I'm having my BFF-f in the chat-f over(or at her place) for a sleepover so- YEAH 

 ~Good-night or Good-day :)

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