Chapter 17

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OKAY SO- I know I always start with a sorry but I mean it!!! I feel really bad for just disappearing for that long and I don't know how to pay y'all back! I'm just going to say this now, this story is going to have REALLY slow updates from now on!
(BTW this chapter takes place a month after the last chapter)



I walked to the front door with my mask held under my arm,
"Where are you going this late at night?" I heard the all too familiar voice of Tim Write, "The usual," I replied slipping on my mask and tucking any loose hair under the back of the mask.

"Alright, be safe.~" he said with a slightly flirtatious tone, I ignored it as I walked outside closing the door behind me and making my way(DoWn tOwN) to my favorite place to spread terror!~

See, after Hailey's parents came home and found her corpse, they instantly started looking for the culprit. Since, they knew Hailey wasn't the social type they had a limited list of people she knew to interrogate and, once they got to my house they discovered that I was missing and my step-mom was found dead in the upstairs bathroom, a broken bottle embedded into her skull.
After I had found my missing posters I decided I would start teasing this town with the Identity of this monster, now dubbed as...

The Crow.

I now go on daily walks at night down the sidewalks, if I find a house that piques my interest I break into them and have a little Raccoon-Raid and if someone was found in their house, they'd be found dead later on.


I walked down a bit deeper than I usually go into town and spotted a house I knew all too well, Jennifer's house...

I walked up to it and looked into the house through the large glass panel on the top, no-one's up.
I looked at 'my' phone(I stole it >:3), it read 1:30 AM. Good!~

Walking own the driveway I looked into the first window and spotted the girl I despise, Jennifer.
as I walked past I hit the window and kept walking until I made it the patio in the back, it's two large double doors' curtains pulled back revealing everything inside and out.

I grabbed my pry-bar by its handle and lifted it to the window,




A putrid noise rang out as the blood-stained 'blade' ran down the window pane.
I stood there for a bit, my arms down, pry-bar in hand and my hand tilted slightly. Waiting.

As I predicted, a petrified girl came walking out of her room, a screwdriver in hand. She looked around the living room and kitchen area until she spotted me standing on the patio. I waved as I straightened my head up as I lifted my weapon to break the door lock.

I swung down Zim(ILY if u understand that reference), the pry-bar, and broke off the handle, Jennifer screaming and running to the kitchen, to grab a knife I presume.

I pushed the door open, "Jennifer!~" I sang, "I know you're here,~"
I walked to the kitchen and looked for F/S(favorite snack), none to be seen, "Awww, you don't have any more F/S, I thought that your mom bought that for your school lunch... guess not.~" I said turning to the laundry room door next to the fridge...


Tim's POV

I had followed Y/N to a house and watched from afar as she broke in, "Jennifer!~" she sang "I know you're here,~" God I love it when she uses that tone, It's so... so twisted!
I followed her into the house and but my back to the wall separating the kitchen from the living room. I peek my head into the kitchen and walked her bend over to look in the fridge, "Awww, you don't have any more F/S, I thought your mom bought that for your school lunch... guess not.~" She closed the freezer and fridge doors then walked to a door next to the fridge.

Walking into the laundry room, I stayed there and looked into the large bathroom that I guess is connected to a bedroom due to it being very large and expensive-looking,
"Hello, Jenny~," she said as she crawled into the bathtub and onto a petrified girl wielding a large knife, the girl tried to get out but to no avail, she was pulled back in, Y/N on top of her.

I watched Y/N flinch then grunt, I was confused but then understood as I watched Y/N sit up onto her knees. 
A knife implanted into the center of her stomach. she grabbed the girl's arm pushed it onto the edge of the tub then grabbed then knife and pulled it out quickly then raised it, slamming it down onto the girl's elbow, going halfway through.
"tough meat," she coughed, "aren't cha,~" she paused for a second and started sawing the knife through the girl's arm. one she had pulled the forearm of the girl off she dropped it in the tub the put the knife back in her gut, making me cringe at how that must of felt on her part.

she grabbed her pry-bar and swiftly swung it down of the girl's head, killing her then and there.



I got up from the tub and watched a thin layer of blood fill the tub, then turned to the mirror. 
"Dammit," I muttered, then walked to the cabinets under the sink the grabbed some bandages and that weird alcohol stuff parents always put on kid's cuts, then stood back up.

I looked at the knife for a second then put my hand on it and yanked it out, curling over in pain, the killing adrenaline has gone, and held in a yell of pain and stood back up. I pulled my shirt up then eld it in place by putting it under my chin.


once done with the bandages, I walked to all the rooms that usually held her family members to only find her aunt and mother. since they've never done anything bad to me per-say I just made it quick and painless, a knife to the heart.

once done I walked to her aunt's office the wrote a note for whoever finds them,

 'Dear corpse finders, I hope you don't mind the smells, I didn't feel too well after I got stabbed, have fun with cleaning up the mess!~ 

 - The Crow' 

I put the note on the kitchen table then walked back to the fridge, and grabbed some watermelon fruit juice and walked out of the house and into the woods.


Tim's POV

I followed her into the woods waiting for the right moment,

after about 10 minutes I pounced out from the bushes and pinned her to a tree.
she squeaked and looked up at me, "Oh- it's just you," she calmed down,


sorry, I'm leaving y'all on a cliffhanger, It's 12:02 and I just fixed my sleep schedule so I can't stay up too much later.

bye my little creepers!~ hope y'all enjoyed that chapter!

[DISCONTINUED ATM]📼The Crow's Skull📼[Skully/Jay x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now