(Revised) Chapter Twenty Eight

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Excuse the mistakes!!

Santana paced back and forth in her kitchen holding her cellphone in her hand. She was nervous about calling the person she was about to call because she didn't know how they would react. She secretly had to go through King's phone to get the number.

She sat down on the stool and pressed the call button. The phone rung three time before they answered.

"Um hello?" They said with a hint of confusion in their tone.

"Hey Keisha, it's Santana, sorry to bother you but do you have time to talk?"

"Actually yeah I do, wassup?"

"I just want to apologize for the other night I should've respected your decision about me being a step mom to August, he asked King what's a step mom and King told him its like a second mommy it wasn't meant like-"

"No I should be apologizing I took it too far because you are like a second mom to August, he loves you Santana and I'm not going to lie it was scaring me at first because I wasn't expecting King to be in a relationship and expecting another child...it kind of threw me off honestly" she chuckled as Santana joined in.

"I understand I was thrown off that day I first met you but I just called because I really don't want no drama between us especially now that we have kids who are siblings I don't want them growing up seeing us fighting thinking it's okay for us to act like that you know what I mean?"

"Yeah I agree with you" Keisha smiled. "Maybe we can take the kids out together one day just me and you because August been asking when are we gonna take him and Lala to Billy Bees" she continued.

Santana quickly scrunched up her face. She really wasn't comfortable hanging out with Keisha but if it would make August happy she didn't mind putting her differences aside. "Uh yeah that would be great maybe when it gets warmer and Lala is big enough to do the activities with him"

"Yeah that would be good just let me know when is a good time for you"

"Okay I'll talk to you later matter of fact I'll have August call you after I pick him up from preschool" Santana told her.

"Okay thank you" Keisha said before they both ended the call. She hung up the phone with a small smile plastered on her face. She felt Darius, her man she been secretly dating for two months, sit up and kiss her shoulder. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah but when we get back I want you to finally meet a few people"

"You know I already know King" he chuckled. "We go way back that's my nigga but I can finally meet your son?"

With a smile on her face she nodded her head. Even though Keisha will always have love for King she had to move on. She had to accept the fact that he was happy and in love with someone else. And now it was time for her to be happy.


Ailani screamed in Kings face before slamming down to his cheek, giving him a wet kiss. "Damn Lala almost broke daddy jaw" he chuckled giving her a kiss back making her smile and laugh. He seen Santana walk back into the bedroom heading to the other side of the bed where there was a pile of clean, dry clothes.

"What was you doing?" He asked her making Ailani stand up on his lap.

"Talking to Keisha" she answered.

King looked over at Santana who started to fold the clothes. "She called you or something?"

She shook her head, "No I called her"

"What happen?"

"Nothing, I just don't want the kids growing up seeing us arguing or fighting" she answered. "Especially August that's not healthy for him so I called her and we apologized to each other"

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