❉₂ surprise

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Ella's pov

It's been a week and I haven't seen Abraxas once somehow, not that I'm complaining. We didn't even bump into each other in the bathroom, until this morning. We share the same bathroom and it sucks because he is so messy and doesn't clean up after himself.

I went in the bathroom to hear the shower on. Great, he's in here.

"Get out!" Abraxas slightly yelled when he heard the door open.

"No." I went over to the sink and turned the water on to hear him jump back as I started brushing my teeth. A girls hygiene needs to be complete.

"Ella!" Abraxas grumbled after awhile of me being in there. When we were younger I'd always do this to him. I'd come in the bathroom while he was showering and turn the water on to torture him. Eventually his mother would come in and stop me as I giggled from Abraxas' cries.

"I'm almost done." When I was done I went back to my room and got changed into shorts and a flowy top, it's hot out and the shirt is really comfy.

I went downstairs and ate breakfast which was scrambled eggs that I made myself. Right when I was done Abraxas came into the kitchen and sat right beside of me.

"You're up early." Mrs. Malfoy said as Abraxas started shoving his face with food. Gross.

"And I'm the one who loves food." I muttered getting off the stool. I took my dishes to the sink and washed them out of habit.

"Ella, how many times do I have to tell you?" Mrs. Malfoy asked. I made myself breakfast, and I'm washing the dishes I made dirty. The Malfoy's have house elves to do all their work for, I just don't believe in using house elves do your work for you.

"At least I don't run the water while someone's in the shower." Abraxas said making me look at him with a glare. At least his mom isn't going to yell at me for it.

"You shouldn't take forever then, I waited half an hour and you still weren't done and I needed to get ready." He opened his mouth then closed it turning it into a smirk. I hope he isn't planning something stupid, he is stupid so it probably is something stupid.

I looked at Mrs. Malfoy who looked 'tired', she should be proud that Abraxas and I somehow haven't seen each other for a week. That means we didn't argue which I was very happy about.

"C'mon Dear, I have a surprise for you." She smiled after noticing me looking at her.

She headed into the living room so I followed her into the living room to see a piano. A brand new piano sitting against the wall. Ever since I was little I've always wanted a piano, my parents said they'd get me one, I knew they would never since they're so expensive.

"It's for you since your birthday's coming up and I know you've always wanted one." Mrs. Malfoy beamed.

"You shouldn't have!-" I started, but got interrupted by Dumbass himself.

"Seriously, you shouldn't have." Abraxas said coming in with his mouth full. Grossass, he is so disgusting.

She ignored him and looked at me as her smile returned.

"Thank you!" I gushed as I hugged her.

"It's no problem!" She assured. I feel like I need to do something nice, she would never let me. Plus, how am I suppose to top this? I can't, it's impossible for me to top it.

I went over to the piano and sat on the bench looking at it. I really did not want to touch it and get it all dirty with my grimy fingers.

"C'mon, let's see." Abraxas said smirking, so I started playing it to see the smirk leave his face and plaster onto my face.

When I was done I looked up at him while still smirking to see him glaring at me. He stormed off upstairs so I looked at Mrs. Malfoy to see her looking pleased.

"C'mon Dear, you can help me plan the ball." She said with her hand extended for me to take.

Ball? This can't be good.

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