☉₁ bøøbs

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Ella's pov

It was around midnight and I could not sleep at all so I went to Abraxas' room. I went in through the bathroom to see him sitting at his desk playing with a quill. When I shut the door he shot his head towards me.

"I can't sleep." I pouted going over to him, he grabbed my hips and pulled me down on him so I was straddling him.

He leaned his head on me while wrapping his arms around me and sighed. My poor baby.

"The first five minutes of being back and they have to ruin our summer." He complained.

"When don't they ruin everything?" We got back home, well Malfoy Manor, for summer holiday and we were in the kitchen for a good five minutes being civil when our fathers decide we can't be together at all! The only time we can be together is if one of our parents are around. Now we have sneak around which is slightly excited yet annoying.

The reason I'm at Malfoy Manor is because I live here now, my house got blown up or something, I don't know.

I looked down at Abraxas and he looked up at me so I kissed him which quickly turned into snogging. He stood up and placed me on his desk as we still snogged. He pulled away and closed the window behind me and pushed stuff out of the way. He closed the window because his parents window is right beside of his and they could possibly hear if we were to do anything.

"Ax?" He looked at me while standing between my legs. I honestly just wanted to see his face.

"I love you." He said as I looked down grabbing the hem of my shirt. I looked up at him and smiled seeing him slightly smiling.

"I love you." His smile grew and he kissed me.

He pulled away so I grabbed his neck pulling him back to me. Eventually he pulled away which caused me to pout.

"Don't do that." Abraxas said making me pout more.

He sat back on the chair and rested his hands on my hips. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me.

"I really wish I was never a dick to you." He confessed. He tells me at least once a day, ever since we got together.

"Why? You still got me." I said while running my fingers through his hair.

"I would've had you." He stated.

"You have me now." He sighed as a door closed and feet came closer to the bedroom. We aren't being that loud, I swear. How did they hear us?

The door knob wiggled so Abraxas let go of me and looked at the door.

"Open the door Abraxas." His father said from the other side of the door. Abraxas got up and opened it as I pulled my legs up, quickly hugging them.

"Why are you in here?" Mr. Malfoy asked looking at me.

"I couldn't fall asleep so I came in here to see if Abraxas was awake." He looked at Abraxas waiting for an answer as to why he was awake.

"I couldn't sleep either."

Mr. Malfoy nodded and left. Maybe he was too tired to care, hopefully. Abraxas locked the door again and came back over to me. I started pouting again and he slightly whined as he pushed my legs down. We both really wanted to do IT, but we couldn't. Our parents were always at the manor and we're never alone.

"Stop it." I shook my head and slid off the desk, onto his left thigh. I started grinding on him, making him grip my hips very tightly. I looked at him and he looked at me.

"You know you want too." I said while slightly scratching his chest and stomach since he didn't have a shirt on.

"We have to wait a bit longer." I whined causing him to slightly smile/smirk. Why is he like this? Why am I like this? Why are we like this?

"Why don't you want me?" I asked, pouting.

"Trust me, I want you, but we can't." Abraxas assured.

"Why?" I asked with my eyes narrowed and stopped grinding on him.

"You're going to be too loud." He smirked causing me to scoff.

"I highly don't doubt that." I said slouching down making him pull me closer to him.

"I want you!" I whined leaning back.

"I know, I know! We will soon." He said as I leaned back on his desk with my elbows.

"It should've happened!" I exclaimed with my eyes wide.

"I know!" I huffed and leaned back more.

I noticed him looking at my boobs so I pulled my shirt up showing him them.

"They're boobs, Babe." I said seeing his eyes go wide. Has Abraxas ever seen boobs? I don't know. Maybe I'm his first. Who knows.

"Oh my god, Abraxas!" He looked at me, slightly smiling.

"Do something! I showed you my boobs!" So he started sucking them, licking them, playing with them, the basics, he also had to keep his one hand over my mouth because I started moaning quite loudly.

He pulled me up so I was sitting straight, I pulled his head closer to me and started cooing at him when he took his hand off my mouth. He stopped and looked up at me, I put my hands on his face moving the one to his hair.

"You seem happy." He said making me nod as I smiled down at him. He also looked really cute, he always does.

"I don't want you to stop." I whined pulling his face closer.

"I have too." I pouted and he kissed me.

"Let's go to sleep, Love." He said pulling my shirt down. I'm not even tired.

I sighed, he took me over to his bed and we cuddled, falling asleep. Maybe I was tired.

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