☽₃ sleep

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Ella's pov

Abraxas and I have been seeing each other a lot recently and it's quite annoying because he's a prick. We're always getting into little arguments that his mom has to stop before it gets too far, which some almost have gone too far.

I was downstairs playing the piano as quietly as I could since it was midnight, when somebody started coming downstairs making me stop. I really hope I didn't wake anyone considering there is no way to play a piano quietly really.

"Why are you playing at midnight?" Abraxas asked while coming over to me, looking tired.

He's cute when he's tired.

Shut up, Brain!

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry." I apologized as I pulled up my legs and as he sat beside of me. We were super close considering the bench for the piano was small.

"You're really good, y'know." He stated while slightly rubbing his eyes how he used to when we were kids. Whenever Abraxas was tired he would always rub his eyes, he said it kept him awake when it totally didn't. He still looked cute while doing it.

I did not just say that about Abraxas.

Oh, but you did.

"Thank you." He nodded and attempted to play but failed miserably.

So I tried teaching him but he was too tired. I just put his hands where they should be and pressed his fingers down causing sound to come out of the piano.

"Go back to sleep, I'll quit." I said as I watched Abraxas try and keep his eyes open.

"Sleep with me." He said causing me to actually look at him.

"I can't." I lied, yet I didn't. I don't want to full on fancy Abraxas. I already think he's cute, I can't let it get worse.

"Please? Nobody has to know." He said cutely looking up at me since he was slouching.

Conceal don't feel, Ella! Don't do it!

"Go to sleep, Ax." I said getting up and headed for the stairs to hear him sigh. I did it even though I feel really bad! I really do wonder what goes on inside of that boys head sometimes. I mean, why is he being nice to me tonight? Why does he want me to sleep with him? It doesn't make any sense.

I went into my room and faced the wall as I laid down on the bed. I was laying there for a good five minutes when my door opened and someone snaked their way in behind me, wrapping their arms around me. Abraxas. He was also really warm which was nice.

"I'm sorry for being a dick to you." Abraxas murmured, nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck and kissing my shoulder. Fuck, this is not going to end well.

His breathing slowed down and soon light snores escaped his lips. Eventually I fell asleep, as well as getting all warm. I honestly don't want this night to end. I don't want to wake up and find out Abraxas is gone. I only hope he does yet doesn't remember what happened tonight.

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