Pt.4: Here she is (part 2)

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Namjoon's p.o.v

The car ride to the orphanage was about 30 minutes, so it was a long drive. While I was driving, I looked at my mirror to see Jimin sleeping on his car seat in the back. I smiled and continued to look at the road. Jin was on his phone looking at stuff for the girl. Something to me just didn't feel right about getting the girl. Like something else was going to happen when we got her.

When we arrived at the orphanage, Jin got Jimin out of his car seat and woke him up, so he would know we were at the orphanage. Jin held Jimin while we entered the building, because he fell back asleep.

"Hello, welcome to the orphanage, where you can adopt a kid any age. How may I help you today?" The lady at the front asked. "We we're wanting to adopt a baby girl." She smiles and types into the computer. "Ok, so we have 5 baby girls left. I will tell you all about them if that's ok." I nod and reply, "we have done this before. We adopted 4 boys. This is one of them." The lady looks at Jimin and smiles.

"Aww, I think I remember this little one. Your Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin correct?" We both nod our heads and she claps her hands. "Oh my goodness! It's been a while! How are you guys?" "We're doing good. Taking care of 4 boys can be a lot of work." Jin says. "Well, let me see the best baby girl for you guys and I'll tell you the room number." She starts typing on her computer, then stops when she finds something.

"Ok, so there is a girl on here. She is the most sweetest baby. She doesn't cry, she will always laugh, she's good at taking naps. The sad thing is she came here because her mom couldn't keep here. Her father hated kids and called her a mistake. So her mom came here and gave her to us, we just don't know her name because she was never given a name."

Me and Jin we're thinking until Jimin said something. "Can we name her y/n?" Me, Jin, and the lady smile. "That's a cute name Jimin." Jin said to Jimin. "Ok then, I'll get the baby." The lady put in that we wanted to take her, but her expression changed quickly. "What's wrong ma'am?" Jin asked.

"I-it says that there is another baby with her." Me and Jin look at each other in shock. "It has to be a mistake!" I said to the lady. "It's fine." Jimin said, which made us all look at him. "What do you mean Jimin? I thought you just wanted a little sister." Jimin shakes his head.

"Well I did, but having to more will be fine." I had the feeling of passing out, and Jin saw it. "Is who is the other one?" The lady looks. "Well this baby actually has a name. He is from her mom, but he was given away the same time apparently. He is a very good boy though, just like her." me and Jin look at her. "What's wrong..." I asked. "They're...twins." And that's when I passed out.

Jin's p.o.v

"OH MY GOODNESS!" I put down Jimin and helped Namjoon up. The lady helped me and we put him in a chair. "I'm sorry, I can just get the girl and that's it an-" she was fixing to continue, but I stopped her." "No, we will take both. I don't want to be that parent that at some point they find out about each other and she gets mad at us for not telling her about him, so we'll take him." She smiles and goes to the back.

Jimin was jumping up and down. I had to sit down and process all that was happening. We're getting two again. Like last time. Jimin came over to me and saw how miserable I was and he hugged me and sat on my lap. "I'm sorry Emmoa for putting you in this position." I smile a tried smile and kiss his forehead. "It's not your fault. We just didn't know there was 2."

I look at Namjoon and see he was still passed out. I sighed and called his mom.

On phone
Hey Mrs. Kim.
Namjoon's mom:
Oh hey Jin!
Are you guys on your way back?
We ran into an issue
Namjoon's mom:
I can hear on her line that the room got quite
Well, the girl we were getting was the perfect one for us.
Namjoon's mom:
Are you getting her?
AN: I know it might sound like they're buying her from an auction, but I don't know how the system works.
Namjoon's mom:
Ok good-
But she comes with a twin brother.
Namjoon's mom:
Oh my goodness.
Are you trying to kill me Jin?
Me: no ma'am.
I-I just didn't want to be that parent that at some point they find out about each other and she gets mad at us for not telling her about him, so-"
I could hear her laughing.
Namjoon's mom:
Jin, I was just joking.
I can't wait to see you guys.
Oh oh ok, well I have to sign paperwork...oh and by the way. Namjoon passed out, so is it ok if we stay at your house for a while?
Namjoon's mom:
Well, you kinda have to since the movers just called before you did. They told me that they got all of your furniture out of your old house and they are putting it in your new one, which since there is about 10 of them, it will not take long, but you can still stay for a while.
Ok then.
Love you.
Namjoon's mom:
Love you too Jin.
Off phone

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