Pt.5 Hard work pays off

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Few days later

Jin's p.o.v

As we were all settled into the new house, everything was perfect. We had kids that we loved to death, 2 new babies that were twins, and a very nice, expensive looking house.

I woke up a hour earlier than I usually do because of one of the babies crying. I expected it to come from Jungkook, since he was a winer, not that he wanted to be on purpose.

As I held Jungkook in my arms, he slept so peacefully and it made my heart flutter. I stare out of the window at the new pretty few. We were very lucky, because we got to see the ocean that was only a 5 minute walk from our house. There was palm trees swaying in the wind, the ocean waves ever so gentle hitting a few rocks and the sand. It was just amazing.

As I look outside, I feel someone right beside me. "Morning Emmoa." Taehyung said, trying not to wake the baby up. "Morning Taehyung. How did you sleep?" He smiled his boxy smile. "I slept good. Hearing the wave made me go to sleep with ease."

I giggle and walk back to one of the babies' rockers. (I was trying to imagine it as something that would rock the baby while it was asleep. I'll have to show you a picture of what I mean, then comment if I'm correct.)

Taehyung eased up to the baby, so eager to touch the baby's soft chubby skin, but stopped and looked at me. I chuckled and nodded and he continued to go to the baby.

I heard Jimin call my name, so I went to his room, assuming he wanted to hold y/n again.

Every time I saw him with y/n, my heart grew very big. I was so happy to know the boys loved the babies.

"Morning Emmoa!" Jimin cheered with glee as I came into the room. "Morning chim chim." He smiled and I picked him up and took him to the babies's room.

As we got in there, I could see y/n cute eyes wide open, as if she was up for a little while, and she giggles in joy when she sees us. "I think she really loves us Emmoa. She has grown a big love for us!" I smile and put him down so I could get y/n.

Jimin knew the procedure and sat in the chair. (Not the rocking chair, cause I didn't feel like I could trust him in a rocking chair, but there's a rocking chair in the room, trust me.)

Jimin smiled as y/n touched his cheeks with her small hands.

Jimin tickles her nose and she giggles. His smile makes the whole room shine. I couldn't get over the fact my baby boy was holding my baby girl.

Tears fell down my face and Jimin saw it. "Emmoa, you ok?" I nod and wipe them away. "Happy tears dear, happy tears." He smiles and looks at y/n and plays with her again.

I feel another presents beside me. Then just as I expected, hands of a 10 year old wrapped around my waist. I smiled to see a sleepish Yoongi beside me.

He didn't really like it when I picked him up, because he would always remind me that he was probably to heavy for me, but I didn't mind and I picked him up and wrapped him around my waist. He didn't seem to mind it and placed his head on my shoulder. I cooed at his cuteness and looked at Jimin.

"Emmoa..." He wined. "What sweetheart?" He held his nose with his free hand. "I think the baby laid a bomb in her diaper and it exploded." y/n laughed and so did I. I put Yoongi down in the rocking chair and picked up the baby.

"Want to learn how to change a diaper, so when Emmoa can't, you will be the best son and help?" Jimin nods quickly and I smile.

I show him how to take the dirty diaper off and throw it in the trash. Then I show him how he needs to get a baby wipe and wipe the baby's bottom. Then I show him how to put the diaper on and make sure it's sealed so it won't fall off.

"Wow," Jimin said with widened eyes, "is that what you had to do to all of us?" I laugh and nod. Suddenly, y/n starts to cry, and it sends Jimin into panic mode.

"Relax Jimin. She's probably hungry." He sighed in relief. "Can I feed her?" I shake my head. "Not yet." He pouts and I kiss him on his forehead before putting y/n back in her bed and rush to the kitchen to get the food.

Yoongi's p.o.v

As I wake up slowly, I see Jimin looking at the crying baby. He looked so worried, but he knew that the baby was hungry.

"Jimin, Emmoa said she's just hungry. You don't have to watch her cry." Jimin looks at me. "But what if something happens to her while she cries? She could stop breathing or she can have a sesure or-"

"Jimin!" He widened his eyes. "She's fine. Look." I get up from the rocking chair and go over to Jimin and y/n.

I get her out of her bed and hold her in my arms. She was still wineing (I'm hoping I'm spelling wineing right 😂), but she started to calm down some. I saw as jimin's shoulders relaxed and he felt more comfortable about the baby.

I look at her and she looks at me with her doe eyes. I show her my gummy smile and she giggles. Just in time, Jin ran back into the room, but stopped at the door when he saw me hold the baby and tried to calm her down.

"Do you want to feed her Yoongi? She seems comfortable with you holding her." I look at him and nod. "Sure."

I sit in the rocking chair and Jin gives me the bottle of milk. I put it in y/n's mouth and she accepts it. She starts to drink the milk and I smile at her cute face. I stop halfway for her to burp. I patted her on the back gently before she let out a cute burp. Jimin awwed and rubbed the top of her head.

"I think she has a really good connection with you 2." Jin says and me and Jimin smile. "Thank you for letting us adopt her Emmoa." Jimin said. "You're welcome." I continue to feed y/n and burp her one more time before giving Jin the bottle back and letting jimin hold her.

Jin's p.o.v

I couldn't stop thinking about the connection Yoongi and Jimin had with y/n. They made a perfect match for each other. Y/n's cute giggle with Yoongi's smile and jimin's dimples. It's just so cute.

I walk back into the living room to see Namjoon, Hoseok, and Taehyung playing with Jungkook. Hoseok had a toy in his hand and put it in front of Jungkook's face. He let Jungkook get the toy and Jungkook put it in his mouth.

"You like playing with Jungkook?" Namjoon asked the boys. "He's fun to play with. I can't believe Jungkook and y/n are twins." Taehyung said and Namjoon chuckled.

Few minutes later I made breakfast for everyone. I put Jungkook and y/n in their high chairs and I started to feed Jungkook. y/n sat next to Namjoon, who would feed her applesauce when she hit her high chair.

Our little family turned into a big family, but with little people. I have to say, hard work does pay off.

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