Pt.8: Just the 7 of us

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No one's p.o.v

Namjoon packs his last pair of clothes in his suitcase. Once he finishes, he puts his hands on his hips and sighs in relief. He looks at his watch and widens his eyes.

"Holy crap! I have to be at the airport in 30 minutes!" He puts his suit jacket on and grabs his suitcase. Mr. Kang was waiting outside for him with one of his workers.

He runs out of his room and opens the front door.

"Hey, what about us?" Taehyung pouts.

A few minutes later, Namjoon comes back inside the house, panting.

"Come here kids." All the little ones run up to him and hug him. Jin smiles and brings the twins over. They both hug each other and he kisses the babies' heads.

"You sure you've got this? I can cancel." Jin nods his head.

"Go," he says in a motherly way, "I've got this." He smiles and hugs him one more time before leaving the house, not forgetting to wave to the kids.

After a few hours of Namjoon not being here and the kids being here, Jin just laid around. Jin surprised himself. He never just lays down the way he is now. He usually is doing something 24/7 and never sits, but he's actually laying on the couch, watching the ceiling fan spin and spin.

The kids on the other hand, would go around the corner sometimes and check to see how Jin was.

"Do you think mom's upset?" Jimin ask, playing with his puzzle.

"I would be." Implies Hoseok.

"Yeah, I mean, dad just left and now mom has to work harder while he's gone." Yoongi says.

"I want to help!" Taehyung says, walking out of the playroom, but Yoongi stops him by pulling the back of his shirt.

"No you're not, remember the last time you helped?" Taehyung bends his head.

"I dropped a glass bowl." Yoongi nods.

"And then what happened?" He tilts his head at Taehyung, his arms crossed.

"I had to get stitches in my foot and wrapped my foot." Yoongi nods.

"You know mom would love your help, but he doesn't want you to get hurt again." He bends down and rubs his hand on Taehyung's cheek.

"Well we could do this," Hoseok goes to the white board by the play chest. "Since me and Yoongi will have chores soon, we can clean the house. You and Jimin and help fed, burp, and wipe the babies and help them go back to sleep. How does that sound?" All, except Taehyung nods and gives a thumbs up.

"Wait-" Hoseok rolls his eyes. "I HAVE TO WIPE A BUTT??!!" Hoseok and Yoongi both faceplam and shake their heads.

"How do you think your butt was so shiny as a baby?" Yoongi says, but Taehyung shrugs.

"I thought my butt was just like that." Hoseok and Yoongi sigh in defeat as Jimin laughs.

"Fine, I'll do it, but not y/n!" Jimin tilts his head.

"Why not her? What did she do to you?" He pouts.

"Oh not that, it's just that she's more of your type and plus she always loves it when you pick her up, and, Jungkook will always want me to pick him." Yoongi just shakes his head.

"Ok then," Hoseok starts to write everything thing out, color coded, on the white board and wipes his hands when finished.

"Well let's start for mom." The boys nod and head to their jobs.

Yoongi and Hoseok walk quietly to kitchen. They look in the living room to see Jin sleeping with discomfort.

Yoongi and Hoseok go and get him a pillow and a blanket, then adjust him, so he could be comfortable.

Jin smiles once he's comfortable, still asleep, and gets in a comfortable spot.

Hoseok and Yoongi cleaned the house all day. Hoseok cleaned the bedrooms and cleaned the bathrooms, while Yoongi cleaned the kitchen and did the laundry. They teamed up and cleaned the halls and the living room. The play room was cleaned as well, even though they both knew it would get destroyed later.

They both sigh as they plop on the couch in the play room.

"Man, no wonder mom never stops, that was some work." Hoseok says, trying to catch his breath.

"Indeed." Yoongi adds.

Meanwhile Jimin and Taehyung has other things.

"Soooo~ how are we going to do this?" Taehyung says. Jimin looks at him.

"What do you mean?"

"How do we know when to do something?!" They both look at the sleeping babies in their cribs.

"Until you smell something or hear something." Taehyung nods and looks at the babies.

Suddenly, there was a smell, a really awful smell.

"Ugh, oh my gosh. Who laid that one?" Jimin says, waving his hand to clear the smell.

"Hehe, sorry. Pizza toots." Taehyung says, making Jimin almost gag from the smell.

"When I was talking about smell, I meant from the babies you idiot." Taehyung giggles and continues to watch Jimin suffer from his pizza toot.

Out of the blue, the babies start crying.

"See! Look what you did!"

"Hey that wasn't my fault! Blame the pizza!" Jimin rolled his eyes and picked up y/n. He rocked her back and forth and tried to calm her down.

Taehyung though, was scared. He didn't want to drop Jungkook. Jimin notices and smiled.

"It's ok Taehyung, you've got this." Taehyung nods and grabs Jungkook. He starts to do the same thing Jimin did, just to make sure he was doing it right.

They fed them, burped them, and even when they had to, wiped them.

They watched as the 2 twins fell asleep peacefully.

"Mission complete?" Taehyung asked.

"Mission complete." They both high five each other and walk back to their hyungs.

Hiya! It's been a while. How are you guys?

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