Pt.9: I Love You

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It has been a few days since Namjoon left for his trip. The boys have been very helpful with helping around the house. Jin was happy to have boys like them.

It's was their break, so Jin laid in bed, that is until he heard crying and running feet.

"Momma! Y/n threw up!" Jimin said in panic. Jin got out of bed and ran to the babies' room.

He saw the puke on the floor and the baby crying in the crib. He picked her up and shhed her. After she started to calm down, he changed her diaper and clothes, then laid her on the rocking crib.

He went into the closet to get the swiffer wet jet and cleaned up the floor. He put it up and the changed the sheets in her crib.

After he finished, he picked her back her and headed to the kitchen, Jimin following.

"Is she going to be ok?" Jin nodded with a smile on his face.

"It's just this cold weather is getting to her and babies are sensitive to bad weather like this, same with Jungkook." He nodded and looked at y/n as she was now asleep.

Jin checked her temperature and sighed.

"It's high. My suggestion is to stay away from her and Jungkook for now. We don't know if Jungkook also has it or not." Jimin nodded and walked away.

As Jin was making lunch, Hoseok walks in. He smiles as he sits on one of the barstools. Y/n giggles and makes grabby hands for the sunshine that entered the room.

He smiled and picked her up, not knowing about her being sick. Jin turned around and saw the 2. He sighed and placed the grill cheeses on their plates.

"Be careful with her Seok, she has a fever." Hoseok pouts and looks at the adorable baby. If you looked at her, it looks like nothing is wrong with her. She looks very happy and giggly.

"What are we going to do today mom? Taehyung kept bothering me earlier since he was bored." Jin sighed again as he placed the last grilled cheese down.

"I can take you guys to the park, but someone would have to stay home with the babies."

"Why can't they come? I know y/n is sick, but why not Jungkook?"

"It's easy for babies to get sick in weather like this, especially at their age right now." Hoseok nodded and grabbed his plate with his free hand. He placed y/n back in her high chair and he left to go wash his hands.

"Kids! Lunch is ready!" Jin yells. He hears feet hit the floor as they make their way to the kitchen. Jimin and Taehyung were the first ones in there.

"Did you 2 wash your hands?" They nod and sit at the table. Jimin waves to the bubbly baby and looks at Jin.

"How can she be sick, but still happy?" Jin chuckled and gave him a drink.

"Babies are complicated to read their feelings sometimes. You were all like that." He kisses his cheek before going back into the kitchen.

"So, Kim, heard you got such a family huh?" The president said as they sat outside at a restaurant, watching the waves hit the sand and people walk or run around.

"Yep, their a keeper though." He sighs and takes a sip of his drink.

"Ah I'm sorry for taking you away from your family man, but this is really good for the business! And besides, your excellent ideas and speeches will put them into it real deep." The president explained.

Namjoon has been out at the beach for about a week now. He loved it there, beautiful and bright. He wanted to take Jin and the kids here. He felt back because it was cold over there and they had to bundle up while he could wear shorts and a tropical shirt.

After lunch, a limo came over and picked them up. They all got in and headed back to the tropical hotel they stayed at.

"Say, how about afterwards, after the meeting, we go out to drink." The president says. Yoo Joon looks at him.

"Sir, I haven't had a drink in years."

"Yeah, and me and alcohol don't go together." Namjoon added. The president sighs.

"Look Mr. Baek, I would love to, but I don't know if I can handle the alcohol."

"I know Namjoon, but just this once. We don't even know if the meeting will go great just yet." He sighs and scratches his head.

"Fine, but just this once." Mr. Baek smiles and goes back to his phone.

Once they get back to their rooms, Namjoon goes to his phone and looks for Jin's number. Once he found it, he tried to call it, but it was left with voicemail. He tried again and again, but he got the same outcome.

He finally let it stay on the line and waited until he could give a message.

"Hey, it's me, Joonie." He chuckled a little.

"I miss you guys. I really wish you guys could see this place, it's beautiful. I just wanted to see how you all are since it's cold over there. I Uh, I just wanted to make sure the are doing fine as well...yeah." He scratches his head and sighs.

"I have to go now, but... I love you Jin. I hope you can call me back." He hung up and put his phone on the bed. He leaned on his desk and bent his head down.

He widened his eyes and looked into the mirror in front of him. He said love you to Jin! Did he mean it? Does he really love him? Is it a friend love you? Or was it different? He sighed in aggravation and slide everything off the desk.

He sighed again and fell onto the bed. What's going on with him? He was gone for only a week and he's losing it. Did he really miss Jin that much? Or was it the father in him that missed the kids?

He closed his eyes and started to drifted off to sleep.

Jin was cleaning up dinner as the kids were in the living room watching a movie. He took them all to the park after lunch and asked Jisoo to watch the twins, which she happily did.

He sighed after he finished the kitchen and picked up his phone for the second time today. He widened his eyes when he saw all the calls Namjoon left. He immediately listened to the voicemail and his heart softened.

Namjoon said he loved him. He wasn't crazy. Wait? Did he mean it? Did he actually love him? He sighs and puts the phone down and puts his hands on the counter, leaning his head forward.

He took off his apron and headed over to the living room where all the boys were. They put the babies to bed only 5 minutes ago, so he was relieved that was done.

He sat between Taehyung and Yoongi on the couch as he put his arms on the back of the couch. They all smiled and snuggled with him.

"Love you Emmoa." Taehyung said. Jin chuckled and rubbed his hair. They stayed on the couch and watched movies until they all fell asleep.

The Family Change ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن