Pt.15: Don't Worry, I've Got You

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Namjoon was smart, but he wasn't stupid. He knew he couldn't go on his own, so he had to call in a friend of his.

So here he was, at 8:30 at night, waiting for the signal. He called his sister and told her what happened, that he needed her at the house, which she didn't mind and went there.

He heard a knock at his window, catching his attention. He turned and smiled to see his friend. He motioned for him to get in and he nodded before going to the other side and getting in.

"I have a squad behind us right now, all you have to do is drive." Namjoon sighed and smiled.

"Thanks Sehun." Sehun chuckled and shook his head.

"I told you man, once I got into the police industry and you ever needed me, I would be there for you. Now let's go get Jin." He nodded and started the car, the squad following not far behind.


"NO! YOU ARE GOING TO LISTEN TO ME AND YOUR MOTHER AND THATS FINALE!!!" Jin was trying to breathe properly after his father hit him a few time.

His mother watched from a view with tears running down her face at her husband's harsh words he kept shouting at their son. He had him tied up to a wooden chair and had a few blood spots from punches or his belt.

Jin spit blood from his mouth as he panted, looking at his father with a glare that was never missed.

"Just let me go to my family. I have 7 kids at home probably worried sick! I even have a boyfriend-"

"Ha, I knew it! YOU'RE FUCKING GAY!!!!"

"SO? THAT'S NOT WHERE YOU COME IN AND TELL ME HOW TO CONTROL MY FUCKING LIFE! I MADE MY OWN GOD DAMN OPINIONS AND I'M PROUD TO!!" Jin was getting tired of doing this. He just wanted to leave, go home, and snuggled with his boyfriend while they all watched a movie.

His father sighed heavily and held onto his belt tighter, but turned away to walk to the stairs of the basement.

"I'll be back in 10 minutes." And with that, it was just him and his mother.

"J-Jin-" she suddenly bursted into tear as she came running up to him, hugging him helplessly. Jin was utterly surprised by his mother's actions. Is this all fake? Is this only to open me up to be the cook they want me to be? He looked at her with a blank look.

"Whatever you're doing I'm not falling for it." She looked at him with wide eyes.

"W-what do you mean?" He scoffed and looked away.

"Dad is just letting you use your acting skills to get me to open up, but it's not going to work." She stepped back in shock and shook her head.

"No son, you have to listen to me!" She walked over and gently grabbed his cheeks, making him look at her.

"You father isn't just punishing you, he's doing it to me as well."

"What are you talking about? He's head over hills for you."

"I got fired at a movie set a few days ago because of him." She bluntly said, still looking into his eyes with that motherly love. He soon looked at her eyes.

"He wanted me to get the biggest role, but they said that I didn't look like the type of person to take it, which was true. I didn't want that part, I wanted the one I had, but your father took it to the next level and it got me fired." She sighed as she lets go of his cheeks.

"I...I didn't know he did that. Why didn't you talk to me about this?" He thought for a moment before saying something else.

"Wait a minute, did you ever want to see the kids? Did you even care that I was in love with Namjoon?" She sighed as she pulled up a chair and sat in front of him.

"As your mother, I'm suppose to love you no matter what, and I do. Seeing how much you've grown up and made your own discussions makes me proud. The day you told us about the kids made me so happy, so...proud. I never voiced it to your father though. And when we found out about you and Namjoon, it made me want to come over really bad, just to see my baby once again." Tears started to flow from Jin's cheeks as he listened to his heartbroken mother.

"Jin, I'm nothing like your father. He's caged me here for years. He never wanted me to see you again or talk to you again unless it was to be rude to you. I love you sweetie."

"I-I love you too mother." They both smiled as they began a crying mess.

They finally pulled up to the house, cop cars around them with swat as well.

"We get in, and get out." Namjoon says, earning a nod from everyone. Sehun tosses him a bulletproof vest for him to put on, then tosses a gun to him.

"Ok, let's go." They slowly start to walk to the door of the "lovely" home. Sehun counts to 3 before someone blows the door open.

"Police! Hands in the air where I can see them!" Sehun shouts, but shots where fired from in the living room. He looked over at Namjoon.

"Follow me, I think I know where he is." Namjoon says. They slowly walk away before running down to the basement.

Namjoon slams the door open and runs down.

"JIN! JIN ARE YOU IN HERE?" Both boys could hear crying in the room. They ran down more to see Jin and his mother crying. Jin looked up and a smile lit his face, but not Namjoon's. His face showed anger, not at Jin, but at his father.

A ran up to him and grabbed his knife before cutting the ropes off his legs and arms. Sighing in relief, he grabs Namjoon's head and kisses him.

"Don't worry, I've got you."

Omg one more chapter and this book will be down with! I'm so sad, but this book is going to have a happy ending.

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