Pt.7 More news

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Look at that picture 🥰. It's suppose to be Jimin and y/n. And btw, I'm going to start calling the grandparents gramps and granny, because it's easier on my half. So yee. Enjoy!
Jimin's p.o.v

I only had 2 hours of school left. Today was the 6th day of school, and I already wanted it to end. Having y/n and Jungkook home made me more anxious to go home and see them.

1 hour later

I stare at the clock as my teacher sits at her desk. In front of me is something I'm suppose to make for my family. Like a family portrait you could say. I started to get my crayons and started to draw my big family. (I'll show it at the end 😏)

After I finished the picture, I only had 20 more minutes left until school was over. I look around the room and see Taehyung licking a sucker. I walk over to him and smile.

"Hey Tae! Where did you get that from?" I sat criss cross in front of him and he smiled.

"Mrs. Kim gave it to me. She told me I did good today." I pouted and looked at the sucker.

"But I was good today." Then the teacher comes over with a pink sucker.

"You were good today. Here you go Jimin." I smiled and I took the sucker.

"Thank you Mrs. Kim!" She nods and smiles.

"You excited to see brother and sister at home?" I nod and suck on my sucker.

"That's all I could think of. I miss them." Me and Taehyung both pout.

"But I think Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung are getting really attached to them," he giggles, "I've never seen Yoongi hyung so attached to anyone before like that." I nod and continue to eat my sucker.

Yoongi's p.o.v

5th grade is boring when you don't have anyone to talk to. I mean, it's nice to have a little bit of quietness, but I really wanted to talk to someone. Hoseok was in 4th grade, so I couldn't talk to him, and Taehyung and Jimin are in 1st grade. My best friend, Woozi, is on the other side of the classroom.

I groan and look at the time. My teacher is just sitting at his desk playing on his phone.

"Ok class! Rest of the period you can talk to your friends." Like he read my mind. I walk over to Woozi and he smiles.

"Hey man! How is the family?" I sit in the seat in front of him.

"Good. We added 2 more members, but don't worry, it's the last bunch." We laugh at what I said. Me and Woozi always joke about how many kids are in my family.

"So, who are they?"

"The oldest is y/n. She is so cute and adorable. Then she has her twin brother, Jungkook. He looks just like a cute bunny." Woozi widens his eyes, for both excitement and surprise.

"Wait, so they're twins? That's cool." I smile and nod.

"They just started teething, so once they have all their teeth, it's going to look so cute." I squish my cheeks and Woozi laughs.

The bell rings and the teacher dismisses the class.

"So Yoongi, can I see your siblings, you know, the new ones? I can ask my mom to just pick me up at your house." Before I could answer, I was greeted by a happy sunshine.

"Hey Yoongi hyung! Oh, hey Woozi!" Hoseok appeared from the hall.

"Hey! How's it with the twins?" Hoseok gives him a thumbs up and we continue to walk to the front.

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