Chapter six

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I look at my new class. My dad and I moved so I couldn't stay at the same school. I'm scared. So fucking scared... what if they don't like me? Then I have no one who likes me...

The teacher walks towards me and gives me a friendly smile.

"So... why don't you introduce yourself?"

"I... uhh... my name is Ryan Ross... I'm fifteen and I just moved here..."

"What are your hobbies? What do you do in your spare time?"

"I.... I like playing guitar, I sing... I read a lot..." I do all the chores at home that my father wants me to do so he won't beat me up... I avoid him as much as possible so he won't have the chance to touch or fuck me... I make plans to run away... I make up excuses in case someone notices my bruises and my scars...

"Sounds lovely! Choose a seat and get the right books. I hope you enjoy your time here!"

"Thank you." I say politely and look at the class and hope someone gestures that I can sit next to him or her. Luckily someone does.

It's a boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He waves at me and points at the seat next to him. I walk over to him and sit down. I take my books out of my backpack and lay them on my table.

"Thank you." I whisper to the boy. He smiles to me and points at himself.

"Brendon." He whispers. I smile to him and nod to let him know I heard him. Then we both pay attention to the lesson.

After the lesson is finished, we have a break. Brendon takes me with him to meet his friends. I just follow hom and make sure my sleeves are still rolled down well enough. I don't want anyone to see my self-harm scars. Brendon, of course, sees that I'm checking my sleeves and he frowns.

"Ryan? Are you...-"

"NO!" I scream, causing everyone to look at me. I blush and look to the floor.

"Ryan... you may not trust me, and I understand because you don't know me at all... but I know what it feels like..." he says and lifts his sleeve a little. Enough for me to see his scars. I blush again and do the same.

"You know what? Fuck my friends. This is way more important." Brendon says and takes my hand. He takes me to a quiet place and we both sit down on the floor.

"Why?" I ask him. He shrugs. "I... I don't know really. Just trouble with my parents. I have some friends, but the rest of the school either ignores or bullies me because I'm bisexual... So yeah..." he mumbles and shrugs again.


I freeze. I can't tell him about my dad... what he does to me... or... or makes me do... Brendon will immediately be disgusted by me. So I come up with one of my made up excuses.

"Trouble with my dad. I don't know who my mother is... and I got bullied too at my last school. Not because I'm gay or something, but because of the music and art I like." I say. Okay the first two reasons are true but just not detailed. The last reason is fake, but Brendon seems to believe it.

"You care that I'm bi?" He asks me and I shrug.

"You seem like a good guy Brendon. But... I have some bad memories about gay people so I feel slightly uncomfortable around them sometimes... it's nothing personal I promise." I explain.

"Bad memories?"

"Not something I want to talk about. Sorry..." I say. You don't want to hang out with someone who has sex with his dad on nearly daily basis...

"Okay." Brendon says then. We just sit there in silence for a moment.

"Ryan? If you ever need a person to talk to. I'm here." Brendon says then. I smile to him.

"Thanks. Same for you."

"You want to hang out with me after school? I know a rad place and we can get to know each other a little?" Brendon asks and I shake my head.

"I... I can't. My dad wanted me to come straight home today..." I say.

"Can't you call him?"

"COME STRAIGHT HOME AFTER SCHOOL LITTLE WHORE, OR YOU KNOW WHAT I'LL DO TO YOU" I remember my dad screaming to me this morning.

I shake my head again.

"No sorry Bren. Maybe another time." I say with a smile.


"It's a nickname!"

"Okay then I'm going to call you Ryro from now on." Brendon laughs and I laugh too.

I like this guy. Maybe I will get friends here.

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