Chapter 8

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(This takes place a few weeks after the previous chapter. Trigger warning.)



I can't...

I'm in school. I locked myself up in one of the toilets and look at my scissors.

This morning. It was worse than it had ever been. My dad brought some friends... they... they all... they all fucked me...

It was pure hell. They called me awful names and laughed at me when I cried.

And because of that I was too late for school. When I walked into the classroom, the teacher went mad and said that if I couldn't be in time, I was worthless. My class totally agreed and laughed at me. Brendon didn't have that subject so he wasn't there to protect me...

"RYAN! Ryan are you here?"

The voice drags me out of my memories. It's Brendon.

"Y-yeah." I answer him and start to cry.

"Ryan... oh fuck... can you open the door please?"

I unlock the door. Brendon opens it and I hear him gasp. Then he kneels in front of me to be at the same height. He slowly takes the scissors out of my hand and lays it down on the floor. He rolls up my sleeves and bites his lips. I know my arms must look bad. I've cut myself so many times in all those years...

"Ryan... oh poor boy..." he whispers and wraps his arms around me. I cling on to him and my crying becomes louder.

"Brendon please... h-help me... I don't ever want to go home again... please..." I choke out crying.

"What happened?" He asks me softly but I shake my head.

"I... I... can't tell you..."

"Ryan. Listen to me. My mom always said that if one of my friends ever needed a safe place to stay, I could let them stay. But only if there's a good reason... you have to tell me and then I can ask my mom and I'm sure she'll let you stay."

"I..." I stutter and then shake my head again. I do lift my t-shirt instead. There are bruises and scars everywhere. Brendon freezes and looks at my skin in shock.

"Did... did your father do this to you? Oh God... how long has this been going on?" he asks me and strokes my back to calm me down.

"Since... I... I-I was five." Brendon bites his lips and closes his eyes.

"Five? Oh my... Ryan. You don't ever have to go back home. I promise. Come on. Fuck school. This is more important. Let's go to my place." He says. He gets my scissors and puts them in my backpack. He pulls down my shirt and wipes away my tears. We walk to the guy where we have to go if we feel sick and want to go home.

Brendon still holds my hand and he tells the guy that I have some troubles and that I'm too messed up to continue this day and that he wants to take me home. We get permission to leave. Brendon gets my jacket and helps me to get it on, and then we walk to his house. Brendon keeps telling me that I'm safe now. That everything is okay. But it doesn't feel that way. I feel like my dad will show up every second to drag me home and fuck me again...

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