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Thank you all so much for reading/voting/commenting on this story! It has 2.36K reads and 100 votes now, and that's a lot! Thank you, you're the best

This will be the last chapter of this story, I hope you'll like / liked it. But, I'm thinking about writing a spin off. It won't contain a lot of Ryden (at least not in the beginning, probably more in the end), but it will be about Danielle's life and how she sees everything. I'll call it 'World behind my wall'. It won't be a long fic, I just want to enlighten some things from Casual Affair.
I might also write a sequel about Brendon and Ryan, as soon as I have an idea what it could be about :)

Xx Kimberly


It's midnight. I stare at the ceiling and I sigh. We've lived in our new house for a couple of months now, and everything is so much better. Sarah and Brendon are divorced. Sarah already has a new boyfriend, and sometimes Brendon and I hang out with them. It's nice.

Danielle and I have become a lot closer, but she still feels more like a protector than my mom. But that's okay. As long as we're together, it's okay.

Brendon and I got even closer too. We hug a lot. We kiss a lot... and I want more. But everytime I try something, Brendon stops me and says it's too early, that I haven't healed enough. But I think that it will help me...

I shift a little and stare at Brendon now. He's asleep. He's beautiful like this... I debate whether I should kiss him or not. My body screams yes, my head tells me not to. I bite my lips and turn around, before I do something stupid.

"R-ryan?" Brendon groans then, clearly just woken up.


"Is everything okay? You're shifting a lot..."

"Oh I'm fine..." I whisper quietly. Brendon moves towards me and pulls me against him. I freeze. He isn't wearing a T-shirt, and neither am I... Oh god... I bite my lips and try not to moan at the feeling of his warm and soft skin against my back.

"I don't believe you..." Brendon whispers into ny ear. I inhale shakily and hold my breath longer than I'm used to, trying to calm myself down. Now is not the time to get aroused, dammit.

"Brendon please, go back to sleep." I plead. "No." is what I get back. I groan. "Not until you tell me what is bothering you, Ryro."

Okay then, Brendon. Sorry for pissing you off, again, but you asked...

"It annoys me that... that you don't want to make love to me." I whisper. Brendon groans. "This discussion again? Ryan? You're-"

"You're not healed enough, fine, I get it Brendon. I don't understand! I don't understand why you don't want to share this with me, now I trust you enough for it." I cut him off. It's quiet for a few seconds.

"I'm afraid, Ryan... afraid that I'll hurt you, and that you break again..." Brendon whispers then. I bite my lips and turn around to face him.

"Brendon... I know it will hurt a little. But I also know that you'll be careful and gentle with me, and I know that you'll make sure I enjoy it... and I promise I will tell you when I want to stop something. You won't break me Bren, you only heal me..." I whisper, and then I kiss him. Brendon hesitates a little, but then he kisses back.

"You tell me immediately when something is wrong, okay?" Brendon whispers softly and I nod. "I promise." I whisper back. Brendon smiles and then he kisses me again. He bites my lips gently before his tongue enters my mouth. I chuckle before I do the same and trail my fingers over Brendon's back. He is so beautiful...

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