Chapter Twenty Nine [Reality]

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So before you read I just wanted to clear something up real quick because I've been getting messages about it. Please don't forget that Alijah is only fifteen and everyone else is underage as well so I don't write sex scenes because I find it weird kinda like child pornography so I decided to keep sex scenes out of THIS book. However next book will take place when they're a little older so expect a lot of that in that book but for this one even though they're experimenting I'll leave it to you to wonder what happened next :)


Jesse was in the bathroom rinsing his mouth out with mouth wash after he went down on me and I felt different. Not in a bad way though I just felt really happy like I could jump into a high school musical movie and sing my heart out.

"Told you my head game was crazy, got you smiling and shit" Jesse laughed as he looked at his phone that had kept beeping and I watched him smirk before typing something back and I squinted my eyes at him.

"Who are you texting? Cal?" I asked trying to sound as innocent as possible and he scrolled threw a few more things on his phone before responding to me which made me annoyed.

"Oh nah it's nobody really just a friend" he shrugged and I looked at him weirdly wondering if it was a girl or boy because this friend was texting him a whole lot.

His phone beeped again and I grabbed it from his hands quickly and made a run for the bathroom and was able to close the door and hit the locks before he could grab me.

"Alijah I'm being foreal give me my phone back before your feelings get hurt, you aren't the only girl I'm messing with" he said knocking on the door lightly and I felt my heart sink. I'm an idiot and this whole thing is a waste, I should just stay single because I pick the worst guys.

I didn't bother reading the messages I put a fake smile on my face and opened the door handing him his phone as I walked over to my bed and sat down.

"Look it's not as serious as we are though we just kinda started messing around after that party you had and she's sells on the corner with us but it's nothing serious I wouldn't do you like that" he said sitting next to me and I nodded pulling my phone out and I felt his eyes on me.

"What are you staring at me for?" I asked practically fighting tears. I never cried over guys and the only reason I cried over that text from Cali was because I liked Marco at the time and I thought he was playing me but this is a different feeling I felt like my heart had been ripped out.

"Because your crying" he said awkwardly as he looked away and I felt my face and mentally wanted to die, not only do I look like a loser I'm showing him I care.

"When am I not crying these days" I shrugged playing with my comforter and it got real quiet between us as his phone made a beeping noise and he looked down at it. After awhile I heard him typing something.

"I'm about to leave. Are you gon keep acting like that or are you gonna give daddy a kiss" he smirked trying to make a joke out of it and when I didn't respond he leaned in but I turned my face away so he grabbed my it forcefully and kissed my lips moving down to my neck.

"I don't care what you do" I mumbled laying down and looking at my tv turning the volume up so I wouldn't hear him smack his teeth because I would've punched him in the face. He shouldn't feel frustrated I should.

He sat on the foot of my bed and glanced down at his phone before looking up at me like he wanted to say something but decided against it and left out.

I heard footsteps and turned around and he was standing there in the doorway and we kinda just looked at each other awkwardly as he licked his lips and glanced down at his phone sighing deeply.

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