~5~ Pika Pika brew?

749 30 24


I walked down the hallway to the door and opened it to see...

"My dad?!" I yelped in surprise. he looked at me the same way. he was trying to hold back his laughter but was failing miserably.

"did you not see the car in the drive way dear? or the door was unlocked." he said twirling around in his chair looking at me. he got up and dusted himself off.

"well... I guess not. I even put the key in the door to unlock it." I face palmed after I realized how dumb I sounded. moments later I heard the door open downstairs.

"im home! where is everyone?" I heard my mom yell from down stairs. I heard her take of her shoes and set her purse down as I did with my bag. she walked up the stairs to my dads office. where we were.

"hey mom! how was work?" I asked her kindly with a grin on my face patting her on the shoulder.

"fine. busy as usual. what about you? how was training today?" she asked untying her hair. "looks like you got a bit roughed up."

"yeah... it was a big test day for training. OH YEAHHH! that's right! I meet this new group in my class i'd love to hangout with this Saturday. are you busy?" the words jumping right out of me. "oh yeah! this crazy kid named Denki used the funniest attack today as well."

"yes im actually free Saturday. me and your dad were going to go get dinner. whats the plan for this meet up? also whos coming?" she asked my dad standing up wide eyed.

"well we wanted to go to the mall just downtown and get some food to eat at the park near there. have everyone hangout here for a little after and the girls stay the night." I smiled begging she'd say yes.

"how many girls are in this group..?" my mom nervously laughed.

"erm.. well.. Mina and one other..." I glanced down at the floor. my mom shot a nervous look at my dad. my mom was almost going to decline the offer of me going to UA. she wanted me to be more girly and dress all nice. that wasn't me though. I didn't like all the frilly pink and sparkles. it wasn't who I am.

"I guess. just remember what I said. I don't want you acting like those crazy boys. your a very pretty girl and should be treated as such." she said sounding very stuck up. if I wanted to be a pretty fancy girl I would have gone to a private/ princess school. but no. I want to save others around the world! not wow men and wear dresses and makeup. either way.. they disagreed strongly.

"I know. you do realize im not some princess. I want to be a hero to save others. have a huge purpose. it doesn't matter who my friends are. I wont change. im me." I said holding my ground. my dad looked at me completely understandingly. but he saw my mothers glare and looked down on me.

"this talk is over. they can come if you like. foods done." she said as she flipped her hair and left the room. my dad walked up behind me.

"well she just killed my happy mood. I swear every time I get home the happiness drains away..." I sighed turning around to face my dad.

"look F/N. don't listen to your mother. be you ok? even if she makes you wear fancy things or whatever. look past that and show the real you. got it?" my dad smiled at me. he brighted my mood much more. there was still that empty spot in my heart where the proud mother was supposed to be. I wouldn't get that anytime soon. "im glad you found such nice friends. when you become a great hero she'll regret saying stuff like that to you. im sure." he said patting me in the back going down stairs.

A/N; oof getting more intense aye..??

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