~18~pika pika rika

492 23 16

the day continued on. slowly but surely we managed to get out of there and go out for lunch.

"were we going today?" kiri asked catching up to us.

"I dont know. I kind of wanted to go to the park again. if you wanna." I shrugged opening my locker. surely Jirou was close by. I had to tell her my answer.

"sounds good to me. lets go!" Jirou yelled as she pulled me down the hall way. I mostly wanted to go to the park so I could remember the time we spent there last weekend. I want to make a lot of memories in this place. good or bad really. either is fine with me! but i'd prefer good ones. we all sat on the bleachers and took out our lunches. lunches. oh crap I totally forgot mine!

"F/N you want some of my lunch? dont worry im not that hungry. help yourself." Denki said sliding his lunch over to me. he was eating one half of the sandwich and I took the other.

"thanks." i took a bite of the sandwich. wasn't bad at all. "you make this? its good."

"o-oh yeah. that would be me. thanks. glad you like it!" he replied. I ate mine quickly since I could tell Jirou was getting anxious to know. I felt bad for making her wait for so long.

"ok, we'll be right back. just sit tight." I told everyone as I pulled Jirou off the bleachers. I took her a little into the park so they wouldnt follow us or hear.

"ok you gonna tell me now or what?!" Jirou groaned crossing her arms and tapping her foot.

"ok ok. im sorry. ill tell you. I just didnt want to tell anyone yet. I dont think I will tell him either.. I like.. I like Denki. a-a lot." I felt my face heat up. I kept looking at the ground avoiding her gaze.

"alright. took you long enough. but I knew it! your so obvious! oh uhm I like your sandwich! yum yum!" Jirou said mocking me.

"everything ok..?"

denki said walking over to us to make sure we were ok. I didnt even notice him! I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"y-yup.. were. hunky dory!" shoot! why did I say that? my face heated up, chest pounding.

"ok then..? you guys done talking? Denki asked tilting his head like a puppy.

"yup. Lets go back." she said acting calmly. even though she was trying to freak me out.. we all sat together and ate our lunches. I really wished this could last forever. I mean who would want this to end? you'd be crazy. but it was that time again. time to go back to class. at least we had hero training next. i'm not sure how long I can keep hiding my feelings. I have an idea! its sudden but. ill give it I try. the rest of the group was on there way while me and him were trailing behind. I tugged on his shirt to get his attention quietly.

"h-hey, Is it ok if I swing by your place tonight? not to go inside our anything." I asked. I felt my throat getting dry.

"I dont see why not. ill probably be in my room. just toss some pebbles at the window." Denki replied smiling brightly as usual. I couldn't wait for school to end so I could go see him. I just had to!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was walking home when I checked my phone.

Mom; you work this evening for a while. dont be late!

"oh no! I was supposed to meet him tonight!" I yelped as I began running home.

A/N uwu. what you gonna say to him??

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