~15~ pika pika brall

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Denki POV
do I what..? oh no.. not this question.. I didnt even know if I liked her all the way like that. what made it even worse that the girl I might love asked me! gosh darn it! I didnt quite know what to say so.

"I..ermm.. kind of do.. im not sure yet.." I said shutting one eye for no reason as I yelled the answer. I felt my face getting warm as all of the eyes were one me. "ok anyway.. MINA! truth or dare.?" I asked quickly trying to avoid there nagging. the only one who looked like they didnt want to know was F/N. she didnt even know it was her.. good! that's a good thing. I cant let her know. were all friends. ill make these feelings go away soon. maybe..? im noy sure what im going to do about this. to be honest my feelings have gotten stronger after today.

"BRO! KAMANARI!" Mina yelled since I was spacing out. I jumped and looked at her. "I chose dare." she spoke calmly with a hint of sass.

we continued to play the game until it was time for her parents to come back home we gathered our things and tidied the mess we made. we were about to leave when I felt someone come up behind me and wrap there arms around me. I looked to see F/N hugging me.


I was dared to hug Denki so I thought i'd do it now. to my surprise he wasn't weirded out. he just casually hugged me back. this was a new feeling. I let go and said goodbye. I was basically dead when they left. they smiled and waved when the were at the end of the drive way and still his smile made me smile even brighter. i turned back around to face my friends as they gave me a look of couriosity.

"you do realize we ended the game right..?" Jiro stated raising one eye brow. she chuckled a little. i then realized what i had done with no reason behind it. oh no.. that was awkward. i was still a little shocked that he liked someone. i was hoping it was a phase or something. i couldnt shake that feeling about those girls next door. i was mad.. but. not? im not sure. im at least glad to know that he isn't dating anyone. I finally had a chance! someone.. I think.

"ok.. F/N. you need to snap out of it.." Jiro said patting my head the girls came over and sat with me. I felt a rush through my body. my bones relaxing. I let out a little sigh and regained my energy.

"oh. Sorry! got distracted. so what do you wanna do?" I asked as my parents pulled in the drive way.

"yeah yeah.. distracted by Kamanari and sero.... huh?~" Mina said nudging me. we all started laughing. just as my parents walked in. my face was still a little pink. it seems they had resolved the problem from yesterday and both looked happy. with no hidden anger behind that grin. it made me smile a little. my dad must have noticed and winked at me. I remembered the bracelet he had given me and looked down at my wrist, starting to play with it.

"oh hey Miss and mister (L/N)! welcome home." Mina said with a grin as usual. that's something I loved about Mina. she was always smiling and making people laugh around her. the atmosphere seems to change when she's around.

"hello there dear. good to see you again." my mom replied grinning back at her. my parents had this look in there eye's I couldn't quite read. my father went upstairs and my mother sat with us.

"who may this be?" she asked gesturing to Jiro. as she looked at me. I could tell she wasn't the friend my mom was hoping.

"hi mrs. (L/N). im kyoka Jiro. nice to meet you." she replied more less relaxed and stiff. she shook my moms hand and chuckled nervously.

"well. nice to see you all. ill be going to sleep soon so try not be to loud, especially when your talking about boys.~" she hinted getting up and walking upstairs. I let out a sigh as the other girls were snickering under there breath.

"so~~ who is it? Denki or sero..?" they asked cornering me one the couch.

A/N: ITS ALMOST SUMMER BITCHES!!! pray to the lord my mom wont nag at me 24/7 to go outside so I can get lost of chapters done. hope you enjoyed! im really happy how quickly this is becoming popular. THank you!!;)

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