~8~Pika Pika screw

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I walked in the door and set the things on the table. I opened up a drink I had gotten myself as a treat. I needed one after that event last night. I took a sip and put the items I bought where they belonged. I didn't know what to do anymore I I scrolled through youtube for a while.

~time skip~ im lazy.

"hey-" my dad said as he walked in the door. he stopped in his tracks and looked around the house. "wow! its all so clean!" we both looked at eachother I kind of chuckled how surprised he was. "I thought it would be a bigger mess. when I got back." he took off his shoes and went up to his room.

"well everyone's coming over Tomorrow, I had to make it look like we try!" I yelped as he walked upstairs. I heard him laugh and the door close.

"i'll be down in a few mintues!" he yelled down at me.

"kk!" I replied I continued to watch youtube on the tv. this guy is so funny. an ad came up on the screen.

"fall outfits are in now! new pants, shoes and dresses on sale now! at old navy. did you-" as girls danced across the screen with fancy clothes and makeup. I sighed quickly skipping the ad. "I hate those ads.." I mumbled. I got bored so I got up to see what my dad was up to. I hope he wasn't doing work or anything. i went up and knocked on the door.

"hey dad. what are you up to?" i asked opening the door a crack. i saw him sitting on his bed hunched over with his hands on his face. i walked in the door awkwardly glancing at the floor. "dad..?" i said a little louder.

"GWAH! you scared me." he shot up standing on his feet. "i didn't know you were there.." he sighed i could tell he was trying to hide his emotions from me. "i didn't want you to see me like this. but.. im just worried about you. all this pressure being put on you to be someone your not. i disagree with her ways in that sort.. im sorry." i could see the pure worry and sadness in his eyes. i could feel tears starting to form in my eyes.

"ill have to prove her wrong! but i will need help from my loving dad.. she wont listen to me alone.. but i know she'll listen better to the both of us. how about we cancel the plans for this weekend?.." i suggested, i could tell he wasn't in the best mindset. i looked up at my dad and saw the shock he was in. i didn't want to cancel the plans but i would for my dad.

"no.. its fine." he said still looking shocked. in that moment he came back to life." you know what?!" he chuckled standing up grabbing my wrist forcing me to stand up too. "im so proud of you." he said pulling me in for a hug. "your so much stronger than even me, show her who you are." he let me go messing up my hair first. "before you go. i want to give you something." i turned back around in the doorway as he looked for something on his desk. he picked something up and walked over to me. "here. keep this close to you. it helped me at times like these when i couldn't believe in myself, my dad gave it to me when i was about your age. it gave me so much confidence and i made it through. those same words he told me. Show them you are."

A/N: ohh~~ really! if your a fan of my work you wanna take a glance at my deku x reader go ahead! Lmao self promotion. hope you enjoyed! thanks for all the support!

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