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I looked up at them and realized how flustered I was. I didnt know if I liked liked him or not yet. I didnt want them knowing anyway. I felt nothing for sero.

"well.. I may like one of them. that's all I shall say. " I smirked closing my eyes. they both glanced at each other and smirked back.

"Kamanari aye?~" they asked. I tried to act relaxed since I really had no idea if I did. I shrugged and looked back at them.

"no! is it sero..?!" they requisitioned me. I had almost laughed. I did the same as before. I didnt know. they got off me satisfied for now and we got our things ready. we were all in my room ready to watch a movie. we just had to pick one. we were just scrolling down Netflix and looking at some things. we had decided to watch a horror and romance movie called "chase the rose petal." after a few laughs and screams we wrapped it up. it was now around 12 and we were getting ready for bed. all washing our faces and chatting quietly together. we got all tucked in and chatted about random things since we were so tired. eventually we all dozed off to sleep... I thought to myself before falling asleep. 'do I really love Denki..?'



I was the first one awake as usual. I sat up and looked around my room. Mina and Jiro still sleeping peacefully. I looked at the huge mess in the living room and sighed. I got up and made myself look a little presentable. I went downstairs and saw my dad doing something in the kitchen.

"good morning F/N. you guys want some pancakes? and no moms not here." he muttered looking at my wrist. I held it and smiled at up at him.

"ill wake up the girls. thanks dad. and dont burn them this time." I teased him before heading down stairs again. I opened up the curtains wide. "get up foods on the way!" the girls both groaned and sat up slowly. we all got ready together rocking out to some awesome music. we all ate the unburnt pancakes and they soon had to go. I cleaned up the room and helped with dishes. now I had the rest of the sunday to relax a little. not that I didnt enjoy there company I was just. tired.. I didnt do much all day. other than watch some youtubers and think about there question. Kamanari.. I guess. I really do like him. the way my heart raced when I hugged him.. the way I reacted to those girls talking about him.. everytime I thought about him my heart raced. wow so cleche. falling in love with a friend in my group. what will the others think? I dont know. maybe I shouldn't tell them until I tell Denki. yeah.. it'll be awkward between us for a while if he rejects me... oh well! if he does love me then ill have a boyfriend! even though I dont know what couples do. we'll learn together. I cant keep my hopes up to high.

"but maybe he does love me. I sure hope he does!" I squealed into my pillow.

"F/N! dinner is done!!"my parents yelled for me.

"coming!" I jumped off my bed and fixed my hair in the mirror. im not sure how someone could love a crazy girl like me. but even so. I liked to beilive that he liked me as well. after all.. this is my first love. right after supper I got a message from Jirou.

Jirou; hey look at this dude.. lol


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