~19~Pika Pika Priase

462 27 35

Denki POV

"is she coming tonight? maybe just a prank. may as well practice some guitar." I sighed opening the balcony door for some air. I began to play one of my favorite songs. 'unbelievable.' humming along as I strummed on the guitar.



crap crap crap!!! my shift ran longer than I thought. the new employ knocked the cans we had just stacked. so I had to stay late. I hope Denki is still awake. he seems like the type to be a night owl. I stopped outside his window. good. the lights still on. I went to get a small stone. then I realized he was playing something. a song. I know this song. I started humming along outside. the song ended and he went to close the window.

"h-hey Denki! sorry I'm so late. work was crazy tonight." I yelped out.

"oh hey! I can see. you came here right after work. thanks for that. " he replied, crossing his arms and leaning on the balcony rail.

"nice playing! I love that song." I chuckled out of breath.

"o-oh you heard. yeah.. haha thanks. so uhm what did you need?" he chuckled awkwardly. guess he didnt want anyone to hear him play. oops.

"yeah right! sorry to keep you up. can we met up at the park on sunday? around 6?" I asked swaying my arms. my knees shaking.

"oh sure thing! I may be a little late. I have practice until 5;45. but ill be there. see you soon F/N! goodnight." Denki smiled waving as he went back inside.

My heart was beating out of my chest. my hands sweaty. was I even going to be able to tell him.? I have to.


Denki POV

well then. Ive been making excuses for the past couple days. ill confess on Sunday. ugghh. I should've been more careful. I was waiting to play that song for her. after confessing. if it went well.. god I pray it does. ill get ready for bed. im more tired now that I stopped playing. she always gives me so much energy. when she leaves I feel so tired. I turned off the lights and shut the curtains. brushing my teeth I went back to my room. I had thoughts of F/N swirling through my head. I had an idea! I sat down back at my desk shoving my school work out of the way. grabbing new paper and pen, my guitar around my neck. I started strumming the night away. writing out a song of us. for us.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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